No |
Country |
Name |
Organisation |
1 |
Oman |
Hanadi Jama'an Al Rajab |
Ministry of Health, Oman |
2 |
Sudan |
Elamin Osman Sidahmed |
SCHIPO. Sudanese Community Health Promotion Org |
3 |
Lithuania |
Daiva Sniukaite, Rasa Padrieziene |
Pradziu Pradzia |
4 |
Vietnam |
Clauduio Shuftan |
5 |
Beckie Anne Neely |
Executive Board, Citrus Breastfeeding Coalition |
6 |
Rene Atkins |
St. Francis Hospital |
7 |
Cambodia |
Dr. Chea Mary |
National Nutrition Programme |
8 |
Peru |
Maril� Chiang |
Asociacion Benefica PRISMA |
9 |
India |
Dr. Prasant Kumar Saboth |
SCM Hospital, TATA Steel, Sukinda Mines |
| 10 |
Malaysia |
Annelies Allain |
11 |
Judith Gilbert |
La Leche League of Glassboro, NJ |
| 12 |
Brazil |
Tereza Setsuko Toma |
13 |
Kelly Smith |
Tift Regional Medical Center |
14 |
Doris Donaldson |
Heart of Georgia Healthy Start |
15 |
Puerto Rico |
Lizette Barranco Santana |
La Liga de la Leche de Ponce |
16 |
Linda Jackson |
Parkland Health and Hospital System |
17 |
Canada |
Caroline Drapeau |
Mirador des Marmots, L'AMIE |
18 |
Brazil |
Noandra Pedrosa Souza |
Unidade de Saude Vila Do Treme |
19 |
Meg Clayton |
Vassar Brothers Medical Center |
20 |
Guatemala |
Mimi de Maza |
21 |
Brazil |
Luis Alberto Mussa Tavares |
Comite Permanente de Apoio e Protecao ao Aleitamento Materno de Campos dos Goytacazes |
22 |
Patricia Z.Frey |
La Leche League of Erie County |
23 |
Brazil |
Ana Cl�udia Casagrande Barbosa |
Senac Bebedouro |
24 |
New Zealand |
Isis McKay |
Women s Health Action Trust |
25 |
Mozambique |
Edna Germack Possolo |
Nutrition Department in the Ministry of Health |
26 |
Rosalba ruiz - Holguin |
PAHO/ El Paso-Juarez-Las Cruces Binational Diabetes Committee |
27 |
Australia |
Yvette Sheehy |
Royal North Shore Hospita |
28 |
Brazil |
Maria Eunice Begot da Silva Dantas |
Associacao Amigos da Amamentacao |
29 |
Brazil |
Gizella Diniz Campos de Oliveira |
Gizella Diniz Campos de Oliviera + area tecnica da crianca |
30 |
Indonesia |
Gusti Ayu Partiwi |
Indonesia Pediatric Association |
31 |
Brazil |
Ana Claudia Casagrade |
32 |
Espana |
Juana Maria Aguilar Ortega |
Comite De Lactancia Del Area 11 De Salud Madrid |
33 |
India |
Mathew George |
Shridevi College of Nursing |
34 |
Argentina |
Maria Cecilia Carregall |
Liga de La Leche Argentina |
35 |
Cameroun |
Kengni Foyet Sylvin |
Cameroon Network (CAMERNET) |
36 |
Vicky & Brady |
Marion County WIC |
37 |
Uganda |
Josephine Nalugo |
Children in Africa |
38 |
Canada |
Betty Sterken |
INFACT Canada |
39 |
England |
Debbie Hampton |
Bursledon Breastfeeding Babes |
40 |
Zambia |
Tina Kaonga Nyirenda |
Lusaka |
41 |
Philippines |
Claire S. Mogel and Jennifer Joy C. Ong |
Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas |
42 |
India |
Dr. Mariya A Qurieshi;Dr. K Leelamoni |
Dept. of Community Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine,AIMS |
43 |
Chile |
Anne Morella Contreras Ruvinskis |
Mammalia |
44 |
Malaysia |
Wan Norashikin Amran |
Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor |
45 |
New Zealand |
Penny Wyatt |
Capital and Coast District Health Board |
46 |
India |
Dr.Jayant Vagha |
Dept. of Pediatrics |
47 |
Nepal |
A.P. Gautam |
JC International Consumers Union /NICU |
48 |
Donna Wilson |
CSRA Breastfeeding Coalition |
49 |
India |
Dr. K. Kesavulu |
Govt. District Hospital |
50 |
Australia |
Mary Mulcahy |
FNQ Lactation Consultants Support Group |
51 |
Brazil |
Hospital Modelo |
Intermedica Sistema de Saude |
52 |
Canada |
Dee De Voisey |
Labrador Grenfell Health |
53 |
Ilana Taubman |
Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center |
54 |
NV Milc |
Nevada Maternal Infant Lactation Center |
55 |
Katrina Fuller |
Natural Nesters |
56 |
Trinidad&Tabago |
Rosemary Anatol |
The Informative Breastfeeding Service (TIBS) |
57 |
Brazil |
Graciete Oliveira Vieira |
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana |
58 |
Syria |
Dr. Iman Bahnasi |
59 |
Brazil |
Ana Celia Dos Santos Brito |
Commissoao De Blh Sesdf |
60 |
Brazil |
Sulim Abramovici |
Hospital Albert Einstein |
61 |
Julie Lee |
Monroe Breastfeeding Collaborative |
62 |
Susan Antil |
Berkshire North WIC Program |
63 |
India |
Dr. Pradep Kumar Kar |
BPNI Sindegarh District Branch |
64 |
Toni Rakestaw |
Breastfeeding Revolution |
65 |
Republica Dominicana |
Hacia La Excelencia Hospitalaria |
Comision Nacional de Lactancia Materna |
66 |
Peru |
Yo Roberto Carlos Somocurcio Somocurcio |
Unidad de Neonatologia Del Hospital Militar Central Lima |
67 |
India |
Jyoti Shinde |
BPNI Maharashtra |
68 |
India |
Dr. Asha Doddamane Benakappa |
Lactation Helpline |
69 |
Brazil |
Daniel Egydio Caldevilla |
Hospital Regional de Cotia-SECONCI-SP |
70 |
Canada |
Stephanie MacDonald |
Six Nations of the Grand River Territory Canada |
71 |
Spain |
Yo Eulalia Torras I Ribas |
72 |
New Zealand |
Ruth Brodbeck |
73 |
Uganda |
Babughirana Geoffrey |
Nutrition Setion -Ministry of Health |
74 |
Argentina |
Natalia Diaz Marta Asi Polacco Dra Elizabeth Avila Dra Mara Mohedano |
75 |
Cameroon |
James Achanyi-Fontem |
Cameroon Link |
76 |
Argentina |
Ya Ana Maria Frassoni |
77 |
India |
Dr. Muthuswami-A |
PSGH Hospitals Coimbatore Tamil Nadu |
78 |
Brazil |
Katia Maria Rodrigues |
Scretaria Municipal de Saude de Morrinhos |
79 |
Zambia |
Grace Mushibwe |
The Breastfeeding Association of Zambia |
80 |
New Zealand |
Rachel Harwood |
La Leche League |
81 |
Gambia |
Malang N. Fofana |
National Nutrition Agency (NaNa) |
82 |
Brazil |
Enfermeira Amanda Paula Gomes e Enfermeire Giseli Mendes |
Escola de Enfermagem Wenceslau Braz |
83 |
Pakistan |
Amatul Wadood Nazli |
Resource Centre for Development Alternatives |
84 |
Brazil |
Vilneide Braga Diegues Serva |
Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira |
85 |
Mauritius |
Mosadeq Sahebdin |
86 |
Brandy J. Hansen.CLC |
The Mclean County Health Department |
87 |
Laura Zelinski |
The Walworth County WIC Office |
88 |
Heidi DiBacco |
Mahoning County Ohio Women Infants and Children |
89 |
Brazil |
Hospital Modelo |
Intermedica Sisteme De Saude -Sorocaba |
90 |
Spain |
Yo Norma Silva Leal |
Comision Provincial de Lactancia Materna Ciudad de la Habana Cuba grupo ibfan cefemina de la capital |
91 |
Earlisha Jefferson |
East Side Health District |
92 |
Chile |
Yo Nathalie Clermont |
Grupo LLL -Cordillera LLL-Chile |
93 |
India |
Dr. Bikash Das |
Committee for Legal Aid to Poor (CLAP) |
94 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Izeta Softic |
95 |
Brazil |
Projeto Maternar E Parceiros/Araxa |
Prefeitura Municipal De Araxa/ Secretaria Municipal De Saude /Setor De Saude Mental |
96 |
Kathleen Pehar |
St. Louis County WIC |
97 |
Betty Guerrereo |
Valley Baptist Medical Center |
98 |
Italy |
Patty Omodt IBCLC |
Aviano Air Force Base Breastfeeding Peer Support Group |
99 |
Jouce Milne |
Doulas of Dubai |
100 |
Brazil |
Evelin Pobntes Nadalutti |
Hospital Geral de Carapicuiba |
101 |
Peru |
Yo. Liliana Marleny Chirinos Aponte |
Policlinico Francisco Pizarro -Red Almenra-Essalud-Peru |
102 |
Brazil |
Rayanne Cunha Pinheiro |
Projeto Pro-Aleitamento Materno |
103 |
Merrick Weaver |
Partnership for Healthy Communities |
104 |
Peru |
Dra. Margarita Taipe Silva |
Hospital 'San Juan Bautista -Huaral |
105 |
Brazil |
Claudia Silva-Hospital Modelo |
Intermedica Sisteme De Saude-Sorocaba |
106 |
Peru |
Jobita Valle Cisneros |
Institution Educative Modelo Essalud Lima |
107 |
Elizabeth Smith |
Utah Breastfeeding Coalition and University of Utah Hospital |
108 |
Sudan |
Mahasin -SABA |
SABA -Organization For Child& Mother Best Interest Action |
109 |
Brenda Kavali |
Portage County WIC |
110 |
Rita Kemble |
OTOE-Missouria WIC |
111 |
Debbie Peterson |
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan Healthy Start Program |
112 |
Kristie Cox |
WIC of Montgomery County |
113 |
Ethiopia |
Andenet Hailie |
AED/Alive and Trive |
114 |
Brazil |
Paula Vegas |
Prefeitura Municipal de Itanhaem |
115 |
Esther Gillett |
The Central Ohio Breastfeeding Coalition |
116 |
Croatia |
Milan Stanojevic |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Clinical Hospital Sv.Duh |
117 |
S. Africa |
Nadia Gous.Kelly Francis |
Department of Health. Northern Cape. |
118 |
Linda Anderegg |
Joliet Area Breastfeeding Alliance |
119 |
Thailand |
Kannikar Vichitsukon. Nantiya Watthayu |
Faculty of Nursing. Mahidol University |
120 |
Cameroon |
Locka Eitel Christian |
Action pour I'Humanisation des Hopitaux (Acthu) |
121 |
China |
Andrea Seelbach |
La Leche League Suzhou |
122 |
Nigeria |
Omoluwabi Grace |
Federal Ministry of Health |
123 |
Puerto Rico |
Rosa Banchs-Sandoval |
Liga de La Leche -Oeste PR |
124 |
Jennifer Leopold |
LLL Brooklyn of Marine Park/Madison |
125 |
Ernelyn Navarro LCSW |
St. Mary Medical Center. Apple Valley. CA |
126 |
Belgium |
Els Flies |
VBBB vzw |
127 |
WIC And Nutrition Staff |
Leon County WIC & Nutrition (Tallahassee. Florida) |
128 |
Brazil |
Banco de Leite Humano De Juiz de For a |
129 |
Brazil |
Dra. Miriam Ribeiro de Faria Silveira |
Maternidade Escola de Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Prefeitura de Sao Paulo |
130 |
Haiti |
Dr. Bette Gebrian |
The Haitian Health Foundation |
131 |
Iran |
Amirhossein Yarparvar |
UNICEF Iran. IECD Unit |
132 |
Pakistan |
Dr. Talib Lashari |
National Consumer Protection Association |
133 |
Beth Kushner-Giovenco IBCLC |
Lehigh Valley Health Network |
134 |
China |
Xu Rui |
Tai Anshi Breastfeeding Seminar |
135 |
Australia |
Julie-Anne |
Australian Breastfeeding Association |
136 |
India |
Fauzia Shamim Siddiqui |
Institute of Life Sciences/University of Hyderabad |
137 |
Tami Moreau |
Central Louisiana Breastfeeding Coalition |
138 |
Brazil |
Diana Ignacio Da Silva |
Secretaria Municipal De Saude De Itaguai-Rio De Janeiro |
139 |
Canada |
Linda J. Smith |
Bright Future Lactation Resource Centre. Ltd |
140 |
Ethiopia |
Andenet Hailie |
Alive and Thrive Ethiopia |
141 |
Tammy Hawn RDLDCLC |
Geauga County WIC/Geauga County Health District |
142 |
Magggie Domski |
Washington County WIC Program |
143 |
Nigeria |
Dr. Angela Anene Okolo |
The University of Benin Teaching Hospital. Benin City |
144 |
Ecuador |
Rocio Caicedo y Carolina Lizarzaburu |
Ministerio de Salud Publica |
145 |
Janis Wenk IBCLC |
Highland Hospital |
146 |
Karen Settembre |
St. Mary's Medical Center. West Palm Beach. Florida |
147 |
Puerto Rico |
Dimari Rivera |
Consejera Lactancia Voluntaria |
148 |
Susie Webering RN IBCLC |
Alegent Health Mercy |
149 |
Crystal Emmert |
Cuyahoga County WIC Program (CCWP) |
150 |
Lisy Peters |
Healthy Babies Happy Families |
151 |
India |
Ravi Goyal |
Shaktishali Mahila Sangthan Samiti Shivpuri |
152 |
Monica Polistina and Victoria Nichols-Johnson |
The West Central Illinois Breastfeeding Task Force |
153 |
England |
Jo Beebee |
Breast Friends ,Culm Valley Children's Centre |
154 |
Canada |
Julie Fournier ,Melissa Morin ,Emmanuela Diaz , Annie Paquet , Isabelle Bourque , Annie Germain , Nathalie Hautcoeur |
Support Mother's Group: Entraide Naturo-Lait , Mamie-Lait , Chantelait And Communication Firm (Volunteer's work) , Force G-Communiction and Shopping Mall Promenades Beauport |
155 |
Puerto Rico |
Lizette Barranco Santa |
La Liga De La Leche De Ponce |
156 |
Nigeria |
Ada Ezeogu |
157 |
Venezuela |
Eunice Lample |
IBFAN Venezuela |
158 |
Nigeria |
Olufunke Osindele |
Jounalist Against Aids JAAIDS , |
159 |
England |
Sara Ward |
Shropshire Council Sure Start Children's Centres & Shropshire County |
160 |
Rachel Tiefel |
Boone Co Women , Infants and Children |
161 |
Brunei |
Maureen Fletcher |
Dot Dot's Little Shop |
162 |
Sharon Telford and Patricia Alfieri |
The Hospital of Central Connecticut , Tha Family BirthPlace |
163 |
Pakistan |
Abdul Rehman Pirzado |
164 |
Charlene Cattoi |
Virginia Beach WIC Program of Virginia |
165 |
India |
Dr. Daksha Pandit |
Terna Medical College , Navi Mumbai |
166 |
Uganda |
Ruth Babirye |
IBFAN Uganda |
167 |
Brazil |
Rodrigo Cesar de Oliveira Carvalho |
Grupo Acalma (Acoes Cooperativas de Apoio ao Leite Materno e a Amamentacao |
168 |
America Trevino & Osiris Mora |
North Central Bronx Hospital |
169 |
India |
Dr. Mangala Wani |
170 |
Sarah Keeter |
Catawba County Public Health WIC |
171 |
Qatar |
Dr.Mohammed Ilyas Khan |
OBS & Gynae Department , AKH , Hamad Medical Corporation |
172 |
Mona Patterson RN |
Winslow Indian Health Care Center |
173 |
Peru |
Cesar Amanzo |
Hospital III De Emergencies Grau-EsSalud |
174 |
Eugenie L. White-Jackson |
Queens Hospital Center |
175 |
Australia |
Midwives And Nurses of St George and Sutherland Public Hospitals , Sydney |
New South Wales Health |
176 |
Terry Jo Curtis |
Indiana Black Breastfeeding Coalition |
177 |
Pakistan |
Dr. Mushtaque Ali Memon |
178 |
Canada |
Brigitte Tremblay |
Aidons-Lait |
179 |
Peru |
Teresa Heredia Leon |
Consejera en Lactancia Materna Voluntaria |
180 |
Stacey Fisher |
Dubois County WIC Program in Indiana |
181 |
Thailand |
Meena Sobsamai |
Thai Breastfeeding Center |
182 |
Afghanistan |
Dr. Zarmina Safi & Dr.Zakia Maroof |
Ministry of Public Health and UNICEF |
183 |
Indonesia |
Nining S. Muktamar |
KAKAK Foundation |
184 |
Peru |
Edgard Rivero Contreras |
Asociacion Psicoadapta |
185 |
Brazil |
Luciana Mantovani,Monique Souza Da Rocha,Walmir Junio De Pinho Reis Rodrigues, Eneida Tonasso Afonso |
Programa De Prevencao Odontologica Mamae-Bebe |
186 |
Nigeria |
Nneoma Albert-Ukonu |
Befa Women and Child Care Foundation |
187 |
Mary Beth Sweet |
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital |
188 |
India |
A. Shanthi |
Welfare Organization for Rural Development (Word) |
189 |
Malawi |
Julita Nsanjama Manda |
Catholic Relief Services (WALA) |
190 |
Mona Patterson |
Winslow Indian Health Care Center |
191 |
Nigeria |
Mrs Bunmi Ogundimu |
Colostrum International |
192 |
Spain |
Gemma Troyano Ros |
GAMMA Vilafranca del Penedes |
193 |
Argentina |
Susana Violeta Gonzalez |
Instituto de Seguridad Social del Neuguen |
194 |
Serbia |
Dragana Socanin |
Serbian Parent Network (Udruzenje RODITELJ) |
195 |
WIC and Peeer Counseling Staff |
Creek County Health Dept |
196 |
Lynda Jinkerson & Barbara Kalmen |
Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital |
197 |
May Vasquez and Grace Yee |
San Francisco General Hospital and City & County of San Francisco WIC Program |
198 |
Argentina |
Subprograma Lactancia Materna |
Del Programa Materno Infantil Ministerio Salud Bs As La Provincia |
199 |
Utah |
Ana |
Tooele County WIC |
200 |
Brazil |
Fernanda SA |
Maternidade Municipal Alzira Reis Vieira Ferreira-FMS Niteroi RJ |
201 |
England |
Coventry Infant Feeding Team |
Coventry City Council |
202 |
Colombia |
Sandra Solangee Vargas Jaramillo |
Cafesalud Medicina Prepagada |
203 |
Brazil |
Enfa Natalia Carvalho Costa Pereira |
Enfa Dilvanita Nascimento |
204 |
Uganda |
Kyamulabi Justine |
Breast Feeding Awareness Trust |
205 |
Susan Shinkle and Kelly Beasley |
Butler County |
206 |
Joanie Betsinger |
Fillmore County Public Health |
207 |
Erin Johnson |
Mille Lacs County Public Health and WIC |
208 |
Pam Schnare |
Joy Motsiff |
209 |
Sheryl Collins |
WIC of Benton County Indiana |
210 |
Sheryl Collins |
WIC of Warren County Indiana |
211 |
Misty Russell |
WIC of Vermillion County Indiana |
212 |
Misty Russell |
WIC of Fountain County Indiana |
213 |
India |
Dr. Tarisha Kapadia |
Civil Hospital Nadiad |
214 |
Brazil |
Marli Monteiro |
UBS Jardim Lourdes |
215 |
Ireland |
Pearse Street Primary Care Team Dublin 2 Ireland |
Health Services Executive |
216 |
Ellen Taylo |
Abington Memorial Health |
217 |
Mexico |
Graciela Hess |
Hospital Medica Sur-Lomas |
218 |
Brazil |
Equipe do Programa Saude da Crianca |
Secretaria Municipal De Saude de Uberlandia-MG Brazil |
219 |
David Shapiro |
Youth & Family Services |
220 |
Peggy Litt |
Blessing Hospital |
221 |
Phillipines |
Patrick Simon S. Soria |
Southern Phillipines Medical Center |
222 |
Agnes Pedicino |
New York Presbyterian Hospital |
223 |
Doreen L. Conner |
Cardon Children's Medical Center & Banner Desert Medical Center |
224 |
Jaci Imberger |
Latch-On (Taos,New Mexico) |
225 |
Christine Maggard |
Preble County, Ohio WIC |
226 |
Brazil |
Hospital Municipal Universitario De Sao Bernardo Do Campo |
Iniciativa Hospital Amigo Da Crianca-IHAC HMUSBC |
227 |
Argentina |
Victoria Troncoso |
Esencia de Madre |
228 |
Argentina |
Luis Arges |
Area Pediatria-Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de la UniversidadNacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina |
229 |
Russia |
Ludmila Remezova |
230 |
India |
Dr. Kuntal Biswas |
Indian Public Health Association |
231 |
Nancy Gonzales |
TSN/WIC Program Beckley,WV |
232 |
Puerto Rico |
Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital |
Breastfeeding Committee and Proyecto Lacta |
233 |
Tara Kelly |
Children's Hospital Boston |
234 |
Pakistan |
Dr.Mahjabeen Khan |
Dow University of Health Sciences |
235 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Lejla Kapidzic |
Udruzenje DjeCa, Djecije Carstvo |
236 |
Donna Long |
Leon County WIC |
237 |
Myanmar |
Dr. Thein Thein Hnin |
Hospital Team |
238 |
England |
Kathryn Toyne |
King Park Children's Centre |
239 |
India |
C. Baskaran |
Social Education and Environment Development (SEED) |
240 |
England |
Rachel Stewart |
Barnardo's |
241 |
Brunei |
Lim Poh Chuan |
Ministry of Health-Brunei Breastfeeding Committee |
242 |
Brazil |
Claudia de Lima Teixeira Fuentes Garcia |
Secretaria De Saude Do Municipio De Osasco |
243 |
Brazil |
Flavia Pereira Valdetaro |
Secretaria Municipal Da Saude De Tatui -SP |
244 |
France |
Board Member of the COFAM |
Coordination Francaise Pour I'Allaitement Maternel |
245 |
Uganda |
Esther N. Naluguza |
IBFAN Uganda (Kasese) |
246 |
India |
Dr. Jayashree Jayakrishhnan |
Mother Infant Lactation Centre (MILC) Chennai |
247 |
Australia |
Amanda McCormack |
Child and Family Health Centre Broken Hill |
248 |
India |
T.Kokila |
Social Trust for Accretion of Retrogrades (STAR) |
249 |
Donna Martin |
Abington Memorial Hospital |
250 |
Debbie Peterson |
Saginaw Chippewa Tribe Health Start Program |
251 |
Shannon Magnotti |
252 |
Dane Nutty |
Indiana Mothers' Milk Bank |
253 |
India |
Subhra Samujjwal |
254 |
Brazil |
Mari Elisia de Andrade |
Hospital Geral De Itapecerica Da Serra/Seconcci-OSS, |
255 |
Deirdre deProspero |
Pikes Peak Regional Doula Asociation |
256 |
Kimberly Sebeck |
Knoxville Doula |
257 |
Brazil |
Cibele Mary Ramos Nogueira |
Prefeitura,Municiapl de Horizonte, Comissao Municipal de Aleitamento Materno de Horizonte |
258 |
Melinda Burnette |
Putnam County, WIC Office |
259 |
Melinda Burnette |
Owen County WIC Office |
260 |
Rachel Eby |
Elkhart County WIC Program |
261 |
Brazil |
Coordenacao Municipal do Programa Saude da Mulher, Secretario Municipal de Saude-Jose Heleno Antonio Pinto |
Prefeitura Municipal de Itaquaquecetuba |
262 |
Trinidad and Tabago |
Lynette Sampson |
The Informative Breastfeeding Service |
263 |
India |
Dr. Shamim Ahmad Siddiqui |
Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, Pune, Maharashtra |
264 |
Brazil |
ThaAs Quintela |
Posto de Coleta de Leite Humano da Unidade de SaAode da FamAlia Fraternidade |
265 |
England |
Janice Slade |
Salisbury City Children's Centre |
266 |
Jamie McNeeley |
Medina County WIC |
267 |
Women,Infants,and Children Staff (WIC) |
First Choice Community Healthcare Almosa WIC |
268 |
Jessica Elston |
Hendricks County, Indiana WIC |
269 |
Espana |
Rosario Sanchez-Escalonilla Gonzalez |
Grupo De Madres Lactantes de FUENSALIDA en Toledo |
270 |
Japan |
Vicki Carter |
WIC Overseas, Misawa, Japan |
271 |
Paraguay |
Comite de Lactancia Materna (Breastfeeding Comite) Hospital Materno-Infantil Reina Sofia Cruz Roja |
272 |
Brazil |
Leila Rangel da Silva |
Nucleo de Pesquisa,Estudos e Exerimentacao na Area da Saude da Mulher e da Crianca (NuPEEMC) e Programma de Pos Graduacao Mestrado em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio De Janeiro (UNIRIO) |
273 |
Peru |
Kelly Yanuri Malca Saavedra |
Essalud-Policlinico Agustin Gavidia Salcedo - Lambayeque-Peru |
274 |
Canada |
Darlene Inglis |
IWK Health Centre |
275 |
India |
Dr. D.K. Dewan |
Directorate of Family Welfare, Govt of Delhi |
276 |
Palestine |
Mona Al Moghany |
Ard El Insan Palestinian Association for Child Health And Nutrition |
277 |
Brazil |
Cintia Niesponginski, Nilva A. Cardoso da Luz, Beatrice Zanatta |
Hospital E Maternidade Sagrada Familia Promove |
278 |
Portugal |
Alexandra Bento |
Presidente da Associacao Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas,Portuguese Nutritionists Association |
279 |
Clark County Staff |
Clark County Indiana WIC |
280 |
Amanda Hinkle |
Hancock County WIC,Greenfield Indiana |
281 |
Lithuania |
Rima Kurtinaitiene |
Prieraisiosios tevystes centras |
282 |
Brea E. Loewit |
Robinson Memorial Birth Center |
283 |
India |
Dr. Abhay Mane |
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur, Karnataka |
284 |
Rene Pollard |
Imperial County Breastfeeding Coalition |
285 |
Brazil |
Analia Ribeiro Heck |
Banco de Leite Humano do Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo - Ribeirao Preto |
286 |
Rebecca Magalhaes |
La Leche League of Henry and Stark Counties |
287 |
New Zealand |
Barbara Wright |
MidCentral Health Palmerston North |
288 |
Rosamaria Lugo |
New Mexico Department of Health (WIC) |
289 |
Phyllis Young |
Grand View Hospital |
290 |
Kenya |
Millicent Kavosa Lusigi |
International Rescue Committtee -Dadaab;Hagadera Refugee Camp |
291 |
Argentina |
Luisa Bengolea |
292 |
Honorah Domizio |
Bay Clinic WIC Program |
293 |
Hollie |
Duval County Health Department |
294 |
Spain |
Inma Pablos, Susanna Burgos, Ana Morillo |
Pit Nature Grup de Suport a la Lactancia |
295 |
Australia |
Sydel Weinstien |
Family Nurturing Centre |
296 |
Brazil |
Maria Nereida Panichi |
Grupo de Apoio ao Aleitamento Materno Exclusivo (GAAME) |
297 |
Brazil |
Dr. Clery Galacci |
Hospital e Maternidade Santa Joana |
298 |
Loretta L. Manriquez |
University Medical Center |
299 |
Phillipines |
Grace M. Lim |
Department of Health -Center for Health Development -Caraga |
300 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Lana Zeherovoric |
Assotiation DjeCa |
301 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Jasna Pleho |
Udruzenje DjeCa Djecije Carstvo |
302 |
Candace Hammer |
Beaufort County Health Department |
303 |
India |
Shobana Gangadharan |
Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, India |
304 |
Mexico |
Monica Salazar Ponce & Leticia Jimenez |
FamiliaLibre .com&CraindoCreando.com |
305 |
Felicia Termine-Bonner |
Willow Creek Women's Hospital |
306 |
Brazil |
Regicely Aline Brandao, Sulamita Rodrigues,Carmem Lucia Baison,Rogerio do Prodo, Roberta Portanova e lacy Millone |
Secretariat Municipal de Saude de Maua |
307 |
Australia |
Marion Baker |
Caboolture Hospital |
308 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Lejla Kapidzic |
Udruzenje DjeCa,Djecije Carstvo |
309 |
Maria Walden |
Kootenai Health Birthplace |
310 |
Melisa L. Ewing |
Hancock County WIC |
311 |
Peru |
Isabelolortegui Corrales |
Seguro Social Essalud -Hospital IIITacna |
312 |
Julia Decker |
Pulaski Memorial Hospital & Heartland Breastfeeding Coalition |
313 |
Australia |
Anne Donovan |
Royal Children's Hospital |
314 |
S.Korea |
Lee Young-Sook |
Korean Committee for UNICEF |
315 |
Australia |
Linda Coombes |
Warwick Hospital,QLD Health |
316 |
Malaysia |
Tan Yen Nee |
Department of Health, Kulim |
317 |
Carolyn Nagle, Deb Lewis, Lisa Seiler, Nancy Dowell, and Jean Greathouse. |
Indiana WIC-Steuben County WIC |
318 |
Melissa Cole |
Luna Lactation |
319 |
Philippines |
Ma Evelyn R. Lacsina |
Taguig City Health Office |
320 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Amra Kapetanovic |
"""DjeCa" |
321 |
Holly PC |
IN.WIC Liberty Indiana WIC |
322 |
UK |
Maggie Rae |
Wiltshire Primary Care Trust and Wiltshire County Council |
323 |
Misty Wheeler,Holly Nolan |
White/Carroll County IN WIC Program |
324 |
Russia |
Irina Ryukhova |
Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia |
325 |
Timika Anderson-Reeves |
Access Community Health Network |
326 |
India |
Dr. Abhay Mane |
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur, Karnataka, India |
327 |
China |
Liora Pearlman |
La Leche League Beijing |
328 |
Bulgaria |
Tania Ruseva |
La Leche League Bulgaria |
329 |
India |
Dr. B. Sreelatha |
Taluk Hospital Tharangambadi |
330 |
Australia |
Lauren -Cheltenham/Parkdale Group |
The Australian Breastfeeding Association |
331 |
Australia |
Eszter Wong |
Australian Breastfeeding Association Kariong Group |
332 |
Australia |
Rachel Hall |
Lower Blue Mountains Group of the Australian Breastfeeding Association |
333 |
UK |
Betty Dobson |
Rural Needs Initiative, The Corner House Children's Centre |
334 |
Jeanne Moore |
Twin Tiers Breastfeeding Network |
335 |
Tiffany Smith-Fleischman,Laura Hanna-Bergen,Heather Mar,Allyson Olson |
LLL of Issaquah,Washington |
336 |
Peru |
Godofredo Pebe Salazar |
Hospital Essalud II Oroya |
337 |
Australia |
Sarah-Jane Bonner |
Australian Breastfeeding Association, Tamworth,NSW |
338 |
Jennifer Craig |
La Leche League of Broomfield |
339 |
Brazil |
Eloise Moreira Campos Monteiro Barreto |
Grupo De Maes Amigas Do Peito -Rio De Janeiro |
340 |
Australia |
Sandra Casey |
Horsham Group Australian Breastfeeding Association |
341 |
Ecuador |
Linda Arturo Delgado |
"Hospital Gineco-Obstetrico""Isidro Ayora"" de Quito-Ecuador" |
342 |
Sri Lanka |
Vellasamy Swamy Sivananthan |
Fathers Support Group |
343 |
Susan Holland Brown |
The Barren River District Health Dept. and BabyNet Coalition |
344 |
Venezuela |
T.S.U. Franscisco Javier Pittol Carias |
Hospital Tipo I Dr. Pedro Gomez Rolingson |
345 |
India |
Dr. MP Cariappa |
Station Health Organization Jodhpur |
346 |
Brazil |
Dr. Clery Galacci |
Hospital e Maternidade Santa Joana |
347 |
Jan Gray |
Bonner General Hospital |
348 |
Indonesia |
Safitri Ristagitania Athar, Andriana Chaizir |
Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI) |
349 |
Saudi Arabia |
Dr. Faisal Shamim Ahmad Siddiqui |
Al-Mandaq PHCC |
350 |
Brazil |
Rafaela Faria |
Human Milk Bank Instituto da Mulher |
351 |
Brazil |
Equipe De Saude Da Familia Da Beira-Linha |
UBSF Beira-Linha |
352 |
Colombia |
Angela Milena Maldonado Ortiz |
Ese Hospital San Vicente De Paul De Garzon (Huila) |
353 |
Portugal |
Giselia Maria Pereira Machado |
HPP-Cascais/Consulta Externa |
354 |
Teresa F. Bailey |
Strip District La Leche League of Southwestern Pennsylvania |
355 |
Colombia |
Ese Jaime Alvarado Y Castilla |
Rauca-Arauca Primera Parte |
356 |
Teresa L. Mitchell |
Huron Hospital |
357 |
Heather Gilbert |
Honeysuckle La Leche Leque (E.Hawaii) |
358 |
Christina J. Bennett Ba, Birth Doula |
Planet Birth Childbirth Services & Gainesville Doula Network |
359 |
Brazil |
Jussara Mendes Lipinski |
Joici Cassiani Lagemann,Rodriane Rodrigues Avila,Rochele Santana Dornelles,Lisie Alantes Prades, Maria Izabel Claus Prato, Wendel Mombaque Dos Santos, Aline Ramos, Kelly Viana |
360 |
Stephanie Sosnowski |
New York Statewide Breastfeeding Coalition |
361 |
Uganda |
Apostle Inawole Job Olusegun |
The Rescue Mission International Ministry |
362 |
Jayne Sorber |
Gettysburg Hospital |
363 |
India |
Dr. Fawaz Shamim Siddiqui |
Center for Research Education Advocacy and Development -India |
364 |
India |
Ubachak Mohanty |
May I Help You |
365 |
Malaysia |
Wong Hui Juan |
Alor Gajah Health District Office, Melaka/Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor |
366 |
Brazil |
Jaisane Lobato |
Hospital Regional Materno Infantil De Imperatriz |
367 |
Colombia |
Maria Ramirez |
Kaiku Infant Interaction |
368 |
India |
Dr.Mital Prajapati |
Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt of Gujarat |
369 |
Nigeria |
Dr.Chika Ndiokwelu |
University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku-Ozalla,Enugu State Nigeria |
370 |
Singapore |
Marlini Bte Ismail |
MyMums World Singapoe |
371 |
India |
Dr. Rajan Dubey |
Norway India Partnership Initiative, Madhya Pradesh |
372 |
UK |
Liz Gunn |
Tiverton Breastfeeding Peer Supporters |
373 |
UK |
Liz Gunn |
Baby Bistro |
374 |
Ghana |
Veronica Gomez |
Ghana Health Service and Ghana Infant Nutrition Action Network (GINAN) |
375 |
Australia |
Virginia Millard |
Hobsons Bay Group of The Australian Breastfeeding Association |
376 |
Heather Erikson |
Moms Prayer Group |
377 |
Portugal |
Giselia Maria Pereira Machado |
HPP -Cascais/Consulta Externa |
378 |
Amanda Nowak |
Rochester, MN La Leche League |
379 |
Argentina |
Sandra M. Ramirez |
Liga De La Leche Argentina Filial Mar Del Plata |
380 |
Brazil |
Viviane Borges Louzada |
Hospital Bom Samaritano-Governador Valadares |
381 |
Paula Webb Hamilton |
OCH Regional Medical Center |
382 |
Australia |
Vicki Rossiter |
Katherine Hospital,Katherine, Northern Territory Australia |
383 |
Robbie Gonzalez-Dow |
California Breastfeeding Coalition |
384 |
Danielle Henderson |
Whitley County IN WIC |
385 |
Charlene Burian |
WHINK Coalition (Whitley,Huntington,Nobel and Kosciusko Counties Indiana |
386 |
Canada |
Lisa Wondrasek |
387 |
India |
Dr. Rajendrab.Khatal |
Khatal Patil Clinic, Sangamner |
388 |
India |
Lhakpa Tsering |
Dhondenling Van Thiel Charitable Trust Hospital Kollegal |
389 |
Australia |
Michelle Gilmore |
Breastfeeding Promotion Gympie |
390 |
India |
Dr.V.R.R.Bhupathi |
Lions Clubs International, L.C. Bezwada and Indian Academy of Pediatrics Krishna District |
391 |
Leslie Bruder |
White/Carroll County WIC Program Indiana & TLC Breastfeeding Coalition |
392 |
UK |
Ramona McIlkenny |
Windmill Hill Childrens Centre, Tidworth |
393 |
Argentina |
Dr.Alfredo Alberto Trama |
Aun es Tiempo de Crecer |
394 |
Ecuador |
Ana Maria Acosta |
Grupo de Apoyo a la Maternidad y la Lactancia Quito |
395 |
Russia |
Tatyana |
Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia |
396 |
Hong Kong |
Ivy Yiu |
Hospital Authority Breastfeeding Promotion Subcommittee, Hospital Authority Hong Kong |
397 |
Jan Wenk |
Highland Hospital |
398 |
Trinidad and Tabago |
Lynette Sampson / Marsha Trepte |
The Informative Breastfeeding Service (TIBS) |
399 |
Australia |
Emily Hine |
Autralian Breastfeeding Association, Blackburn/Mitcham (VIC) Group |
400 |
Jennie Hawthorn Mayes |
Breast Fed is Best Fed |
401 |
Trinidad and Tabago |
Stephanie Charles |
The Informative Breastfeeding Service (TIBS) |
402 |
Brazil |
Bruna Leite Santana |
Grupo Mamar |
403 |
Australia |
Mary Mulcahy |
Cairns Base Hospital |
404 |
Honouring Our Children Participants |
Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians of Wisconsin Honoring our Children |
405 |
Australia |
Gungahlin Group |
Australian Breastfeeding Association |
406 |
Brazil |
Erandy E Lidiane |
Hospital Infantil Albert Sabin |
407 |
Denmark |
Sisse Holmstrup |
La Leche League Denmark and www.ammenet.dk |
408 |
Jenna Hadley |
Wright County Human Services |
409 |
Gina Verst |
La Leche League of Northern Kentucky and the Northern Kentucky Breastfeeding Coalition |
410 |
Holly Todlish BF Peer |
Rush County WIC Agency |
411 |
Australia |
Allison Bunt |
Australian Breastfeeding Association, North Eastern Group |
412 |
Indonesia |
Yemima Wandia Christiani |
Compassion East Indonesia |
413 |
Sri Lanka |
Amara Peeris |
Sarvodaya Women's Movement Sri Lanka |
414 |
India |
Apurba KR Roy Chowdhury |
Chuanpur Welfare Society |
415 |
Lisa B. Ellison |
Moms at Home Meetup Around Waterville-MAHMAW |
416 |
Portugal |
Dra. Adriana Rubino Nunez |
Servico de Saude Publica -Centro de Saude de Mertola |
417 |
Japan |
Nami Murakami |
Nurse out in Japan, Oita |
418 |
Japan |
Aya Ogawa |
Nurse out in Japan,Munakata |
419 |
Japan |
Izumi Maruyama |
Nurse out in Japan-Ueda |
420 |
Japan |
Nurse out in Japan-Kurume |
421 |
Japan |
Noriko Suzuki |
Nurse out in Japan -Kawaguchi |
422 |
Japan |
Kyoko Iwasaki |
Nurse out in Japan -Nerima |
423 |
Japan |
Miwa Hirose |
Nurse out in Japan-Hachioji |
424 |
Japan |
Hitomi Goto |
Nurse out in Japan-Numata |
425 |
Japan |
Nurse out in Jpana-OSAKI |
426 |
Japan |
Syouko Hayashida |
Nurse out in Japan |
427 |
Japan |
Nobuko MASAKI |
Nurse out in Japan |
428 |
Japan |
Takako MIURA |
Nurse out in Japan |
429 |
Japan |
Kyoko KITA |
Nurse out in Japan-Amagasaki |
430 |
Japan |
Nurse out in Japan-Matsumoto |
431 |
Japan |
Nurse out in Japan -Tomi |
432 |
Japan |
Sachiko OKAMOTO |
Nurse out in Japan-Takmatsu |
433 |
Russia |
Anastasia Pushkina |
Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia |
434 |
Mary Ann Jones |
Sharp Mary Birch Hospital |
435 |
India |
Swami Pranaka |
ISHA Outreach |
436 |
Sosamma K Abraham |
Al Baraha Hospital Dubai |
437 |
Brazil |
Jefferson Pereira Guilherme |
Human Milk Bank Amazonas |
438 |
Brazil |
Rafeale Faria |
Human Milk Bank Instituto da Mulher |
439 |
Marilyn Wilson |
Wayne County Breastfeeding Coalition |
440 |
Tuvalu |
Fafoa G. Rusia |
Ministry of Health, Tuvalu |
441 |
Australia |
Louise Wightman |
Maitland Child and Family Health Service in Collaboration with ABA |
442 |
Brazil |
Sonia Salviano |
Associacao Brasileira de Profissionais de Bancos de Leite Humano e Aleitamento Materno |
443 |
Colombia |
Nubia Carmenza Martinez Cardozo y comite IAMI |
Salud Sogamosa Empresa Social Del Estado |
444 |
Russia |
Anastasia Kapralova, Ekaterina Ruchkina, Ekaterina Serovskaja |
Center of Breastfeeding Support Ryazan,Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia |
445 |
Australia |
Kaylie Smith |
Australian Breastfeeding Association Sherwood Group |
446 |
Katharine Gallagher |
Lane County Friends of the Birth Center |
447 |
India |
Dr. R. Selvan & Dr. E.S. Usha |
Lotus Hospital And Research Centre Limited, Erode, India |
448 |
Ukraine |
Melnyk Lena |
Melnyk Lena |
449 |
Karen Swass |
Taunton Attleboro WIC Program Citizens for Citizens, Inc |
450 |
India |
Dr. Akhileshwar Singh & Dr.Sharmila Mukherjee Singh |
Indian Air Force |
451 |
Canada |
Amand Liefl |
Gracious Baby Studio and Boutigue |
452 |
Colombia |
Hector Alonso Duque Aristizabal |
Empresa Social Del Estado Hospital San Juan De Dios De El Santuario |
453 |
Danielle Bergum |
Esali Birth |
454 |
Brazil |
Andrea Lucia Gouveia |
Prefeitura Municipal De Itapetoininga |
455 |
Pakistan |
Dr. Aisha Saher Zafar |
The Network for Consumer Protection |
456 |
Aurora Phillips |
"Arizona Breastfeeding Coalition |
457 |
Corniche Hospital in Affiliation with John Hopkins International |
Health Authority of Abu Dhabi |
458 |
Malaysia |
Sabrina Sunderraj |
Mother-to-Mother-Peer-Support |
459 |
Fiji Island |
Shamshad Nisha |
Lautoka Hospital Breastfeeding Committee |
460 |
Colombia |
Paula Andrea Henao Mejia |
Programa Madre Canguro Integral-Medellin |
461 |
Lisa Lipscomb |
"""Mom and Baby Connection"" |
462 |
Kenya |
"Terrie Wefwafwa |
Head Division of Nutrition" |
463 |
Argentina |
Alejandra Marina Mercado |
Comision Provincial de Lactancia Materna de Neuguen |
464 |
Marcie L. Aliaga |
465 |
Ecuador |
Ana Maria Acosta |
Maternity and Breastfeeding Support Group |
466 |
Peru |
Servicio De Neonatologia |
Hospital Base Almenara-RAA |
467 |
India |
Dr. Pravakar Mishra |
Cuttack District Branch with IAP Cuttack District Branch |
468 |
Netherlands |
Chella Verhoeven |
WBW Nederland Ontmoetingsdag |
469 |
Brazil |
Luciana M. Herrero |
Aninhare-Atitude do Cuidar |
470 |
Mary Ryder |
Chautaugua County WIC |
471 |
Peru |
Mery Luz Medrano Rios |
Hospital Nacional Dos De Mayo |
472 |
Malaysia |
Nur Wahidda Azmi |
"Kedah State Health Department |
473 |
Nepal |
Sanjeeb Chaudhary |
Idea Nepal |
474 |
India |
Dr. Rangjung D. Lingtsang |
ITBP SHQ (Gangtok) |
475 |
Brazil |
Cristina Ide Fujinaga |
Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste do Parana/UNICENTRO |
476 |
Peru |
Gloria Gonzalez Navarro |
Asociacion Kusi Warma |
477 |
Greece |
The Friends of Breastfeeding |
478 |
Peru |
Patricia FernAndez |
Clinica Pablo BermAdez Essalud |
479 |
Greece |
The Friends of Breastfeeding |
480 |
Greece |
The Friends of Breastfeeding |
481 |
Malaysia |
Lactation Committee |
Hospital Seberang Jaya |
482 |
India |
Dr. Ilesh S. Kotecha |
Dept. of Preventive & Social Medicine, Govt. Medical College Bhanagar |
483 |
Peru |
Yo, Maria Teresa Torres Morales |
Splendor para tu familia |
484 |
Spain |
Ana Rosa Muniz Pena, Raquel Martin Calvo, Beatriz Ruiz Auilar, Raquel Fernandez, Araceli Roldon Rodriquez y Araceli Pelaez Canete |
Asociacion Instinto Maternal, Grupo de apoyo a la lactancia meterna |
485 |
Argentina |
Lic Mirta Elena Machuca, Lic Amalia Moi, Dra Rosa L. Mosqueira, Lic Alicia Puentes |
Comision Provincial de Lactancia Materna Minist de Salud Publica de Salta-Argentina |
486 |
Argentina |
Monica Waisman |
Maternidad Sarda |
487 |
Venezuela |
Lolita Landaeta |
Amamanta Venezuela |
488 |
Ireland |
Anne McNee |
BSc Midwifery Students, 2007-2011 |
489 |
Kim Moss-Allen |
La Leche League of Omaha |
490 |
Argentina |
Lucila Arroyo and Delfina Mosquera |
Bede's Grammar School |
491 |
Portugal |
Maria Fatima Pereira |
Associacao Milagre de Vida-Preparacao para o Parto |
492 |
Portugal |
Amelia Cunha |
Centro De Saude Norton De Matos |
493 |
Laurel K. Tharrington |
Lactation Consultant , New Life Center |
494 |
Germany |
Heike Otsuka |
495 |
Spain |
Mar Torres Lopez |
Associacio Mareus, Grup De Suport A La Maternitat Conscient I A LA Crainca Respectuosa |
496 |
Peru |
Mylene Huanqui |
497 |
Russia |
Vladimir Furtcev |
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University |