World Breastfeeding week 2010
Towards a Baby-Friendly World Event Pledge

For every pledge that is received, “Baby Steps” will be put on the world map on this page
To participate, just complete this pledge form and send it back to WABA as an attachment by emailing to [email protected]

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(as of 10 Nov 2010)
No. of Countries : 82
No. of Organizations : 505
No. of Participants : 409,480
No. of Events : 560

No Country Name Organisation
1 Oman Hanadi Jama'an Al Rajab Ministry of Health, Oman
2 Sudan Elamin Osman Sidahmed SCHIPO. Sudanese Community Health Promotion Org
3 Lithuania Daiva Sniukaite, Rasa Padrieziene Pradziu Pradzia
4 Vietnam Clauduio Shuftan PHM
5 USA Beckie Anne Neely Executive Board, Citrus Breastfeeding Coalition
6 USA Rene Atkins St. Francis Hospital
7 Cambodia Dr. Chea Mary National Nutrition Programme
8 Peru Maril� Chiang Asociacion Benefica PRISMA
9 India Dr. Prasant Kumar Saboth SCM Hospital, TATA Steel, Sukinda Mines
10 Malaysia Annelies Allain IBFAN-ICDC
11 USA Judith Gilbert La Leche League of Glassboro, NJ
12 Brazil Tereza Setsuko Toma IBFAN BRAZIL
13 USA Kelly Smith Tift Regional Medical Center
14 USA Doris Donaldson Heart of Georgia Healthy Start
15 Puerto Rico Lizette Barranco Santana La Liga de la Leche de Ponce
16 USA Linda Jackson Parkland Health and Hospital System
17 Canada Caroline Drapeau Mirador des Marmots, L'AMIE
18 Brazil Noandra Pedrosa Souza Unidade de Saude Vila Do Treme
19 USA Meg Clayton Vassar Brothers Medical Center
20 Guatemala Mimi de Maza CONAPLAM, PROSAN
21 Brazil Luis Alberto Mussa Tavares Comite Permanente de Apoio e Protecao ao Aleitamento Materno de Campos dos Goytacazes
22 USA Patricia Z.Frey La Leche League of Erie County
23 Brazil Ana Cl�udia Casagrande Barbosa Senac Bebedouro
24 New Zealand Isis McKay Women s Health Action Trust
25 Mozambique Edna Germack Possolo Nutrition Department in the Ministry of Health
26 USA Rosalba ruiz - Holguin PAHO/ El Paso-Juarez-Las Cruces Binational Diabetes Committee
27 Australia Yvette Sheehy Royal North Shore Hospita
28 Brazil Maria Eunice Begot da Silva Dantas Associacao Amigos da Amamentacao
29 Brazil Gizella Diniz Campos de Oliveira Gizella Diniz Campos de Oliviera + area tecnica da crianca
30 Indonesia Gusti Ayu Partiwi Indonesia Pediatric Association
31 Brazil Ana Claudia Casagrade SENAC BEBEDOURO
32 Espana Juana Maria Aguilar Ortega Comite De Lactancia Del Area 11 De Salud Madrid
33 India Mathew George Shridevi College of Nursing
34 Argentina Maria Cecilia Carregall Liga de La Leche Argentina
35 Cameroun Kengni Foyet Sylvin Cameroon Network (CAMERNET)
36 USA Vicky & Brady Marion County WIC
37 Uganda Josephine Nalugo Children in Africa
38 Canada Betty Sterken INFACT Canada
39 England Debbie Hampton Bursledon Breastfeeding Babes
40 Zambia Tina Kaonga Nyirenda Lusaka
41 Philippines Claire S. Mogel and Jennifer Joy C. Ong Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas
42 India Dr. Mariya A Qurieshi;Dr. K Leelamoni Dept. of Community Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine,AIMS
43 Chile Anne Morella Contreras Ruvinskis Mammalia
44 Malaysia Wan Norashikin Amran Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor
45 New Zealand Penny Wyatt Capital and Coast District Health Board
46 India Dr.Jayant Vagha Dept. of Pediatrics
47 Nepal A.P. Gautam JC International Consumers Union /NICU
48 USA Donna Wilson CSRA Breastfeeding Coalition
49 India Dr. K. Kesavulu Govt. District Hospital
50 Australia Mary Mulcahy FNQ Lactation Consultants Support Group
51 Brazil Hospital Modelo Intermedica Sistema de Saude
52 Canada Dee De Voisey Labrador Grenfell Health
53 USA Ilana Taubman Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center
54 USA NV Milc Nevada Maternal Infant Lactation Center
55 USA Katrina Fuller Natural Nesters
56 Trinidad&Tabago Rosemary Anatol The Informative Breastfeeding Service (TIBS)
57 Brazil Graciete Oliveira Vieira Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
58 Syria Dr. Iman Bahnasi UNICEF
59 Brazil Ana Celia Dos Santos Brito Commissoao De Blh Sesdf
60 Brazil Sulim Abramovici Hospital Albert Einstein
61 USA Julie Lee Monroe Breastfeeding Collaborative
62 USA Susan Antil Berkshire North WIC Program
63 India Dr. Pradep Kumar Kar BPNI Sindegarh District Branch
64 USA Toni Rakestaw Breastfeeding Revolution
65 Republica Dominicana Hacia La Excelencia Hospitalaria Comision Nacional de Lactancia Materna
66 Peru Yo Roberto Carlos Somocurcio Somocurcio Unidad de Neonatologia Del Hospital Militar Central Lima
67 India Jyoti Shinde BPNI Maharashtra
68 India Dr. Asha Doddamane Benakappa Lactation Helpline
69 Brazil Daniel Egydio Caldevilla Hospital Regional de Cotia-SECONCI-SP
70 Canada Stephanie MacDonald Six Nations of the Grand River Territory Canada
71 Spain Yo Eulalia Torras I Ribas de ALBA LACTANCIA MATERNA
72 New Zealand Ruth Brodbeck
73 Uganda Babughirana Geoffrey Nutrition Setion -Ministry of Health
74 Argentina Natalia Diaz Marta Asi Polacco Dra Elizabeth Avila Dra Mara Mohedano
75 Cameroon James Achanyi-Fontem Cameroon Link
76 Argentina Ya Ana Maria Frassoni
77 India Dr. Muthuswami-A PSGH Hospitals Coimbatore Tamil Nadu
78 Brazil Katia Maria Rodrigues Scretaria Municipal de Saude de Morrinhos
79 Zambia Grace Mushibwe The Breastfeeding Association of Zambia
80 New Zealand Rachel Harwood La Leche League
81 Gambia Malang N. Fofana National Nutrition Agency (NaNa)
82 Brazil Enfermeira Amanda Paula Gomes e Enfermeire Giseli Mendes Escola de Enfermagem Wenceslau Braz
83 Pakistan Amatul Wadood Nazli Resource Centre for Development Alternatives
84 Brazil Vilneide Braga Diegues Serva Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira
85 Mauritius Mosadeq Sahebdin MAPBIN
86 USA Brandy J. Hansen.CLC The Mclean County Health Department
87 USA Laura Zelinski The Walworth County WIC Office
88 USA Heidi DiBacco Mahoning County Ohio Women Infants and Children
89 Brazil Hospital Modelo Intermedica Sisteme De Saude -Sorocaba
90 Spain Yo Norma Silva Leal Comision Provincial de Lactancia Materna Ciudad de la Habana Cuba grupo ibfan cefemina de la capital
91 USA Earlisha Jefferson East Side Health District
92 Chile Yo Nathalie Clermont Grupo LLL -Cordillera LLL-Chile
93 India Dr. Bikash Das Committee for Legal Aid to Poor (CLAP)
94 Bosnia and Herzegovina Izeta Softic
95 Brazil Projeto Maternar E Parceiros/Araxa Prefeitura Municipal De Araxa/ Secretaria Municipal De Saude /Setor De Saude Mental
96 USA Kathleen Pehar St. Louis County WIC
97 USA Betty Guerrereo Valley Baptist Medical Center
98 Italy Patty Omodt IBCLC Aviano Air Force Base Breastfeeding Peer Support Group
99 UAE Jouce Milne Doulas of Dubai
100 Brazil Evelin Pobntes Nadalutti Hospital Geral de Carapicuiba
101 Peru Yo. Liliana Marleny Chirinos Aponte Policlinico Francisco Pizarro -Red Almenra-Essalud-Peru
102 Brazil Rayanne Cunha Pinheiro Projeto Pro-Aleitamento Materno
103 USA Merrick Weaver Partnership for Healthy Communities
104 Peru Dra. Margarita Taipe Silva Hospital 'San Juan Bautista -Huaral
105 Brazil Claudia Silva-Hospital Modelo Intermedica Sisteme De Saude-Sorocaba
106 Peru Jobita Valle Cisneros Institution Educative Modelo Essalud Lima
107 USA Elizabeth Smith Utah Breastfeeding Coalition and University of Utah Hospital
108 Sudan Mahasin -SABA SABA -Organization For Child& Mother Best Interest Action
109 USA Brenda Kavali Portage County WIC
110 USA Rita Kemble OTOE-Missouria WIC
111 USA Debbie Peterson Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan Healthy Start Program
112 USA Kristie Cox WIC of Montgomery County
113 Ethiopia Andenet Hailie AED/Alive and Trive
114 Brazil Paula Vegas Prefeitura Municipal de Itanhaem
115 USA Esther Gillett The Central Ohio Breastfeeding Coalition
116 Croatia Milan Stanojevic Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Clinical Hospital Sv.Duh
117 S. Africa Nadia Gous.Kelly Francis Department of Health. Northern Cape.
118 USA Linda Anderegg Joliet Area Breastfeeding Alliance
119 Thailand Kannikar Vichitsukon. Nantiya Watthayu Faculty of Nursing. Mahidol University
120 Cameroon Locka Eitel Christian Action pour I'Humanisation des Hopitaux (Acthu)
121 China Andrea Seelbach La Leche League Suzhou
122 Nigeria Omoluwabi Grace Federal Ministry of Health
123 Puerto Rico Rosa Banchs-Sandoval Liga de La Leche -Oeste PR
124 USA Jennifer Leopold LLL Brooklyn of Marine Park/Madison
125 USA Ernelyn Navarro LCSW St. Mary Medical Center. Apple Valley. CA
126 Belgium Els Flies VBBB vzw
127 USA WIC And Nutrition Staff Leon County WIC & Nutrition (Tallahassee. Florida)
128 Brazil Banco de Leite Humano De Juiz de For a AMAC JUIZ DE FORA -MG
129 Brazil Dra. Miriam Ribeiro de Faria Silveira Maternidade Escola de Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Prefeitura de Sao Paulo
130 Haiti Dr. Bette Gebrian The Haitian Health Foundation
131 Iran Amirhossein Yarparvar UNICEF Iran. IECD Unit
132 Pakistan Dr. Talib Lashari National Consumer Protection Association
133 USA Beth Kushner-Giovenco IBCLC Lehigh Valley Health Network
134 China Xu Rui Tai Anshi Breastfeeding Seminar
135 Australia Julie-Anne Australian Breastfeeding Association
136 India Fauzia Shamim Siddiqui Institute of Life Sciences/University of Hyderabad
137 USA Tami Moreau Central Louisiana Breastfeeding Coalition
138 Brazil Diana Ignacio Da Silva Secretaria Municipal De Saude De Itaguai-Rio De Janeiro
139 Canada Linda J. Smith Bright Future Lactation Resource Centre. Ltd
140 Ethiopia Andenet Hailie Alive and Thrive Ethiopia
141 USA Tammy Hawn RDLDCLC Geauga County WIC/Geauga County Health District
142 USA Magggie Domski Washington County WIC Program
143 Nigeria Dr. Angela Anene Okolo The University of Benin Teaching Hospital. Benin City
144 Ecuador Rocio Caicedo y Carolina Lizarzaburu Ministerio de Salud Publica
145 USA Janis Wenk IBCLC Highland Hospital
146 USA Karen Settembre St. Mary's Medical Center. West Palm Beach. Florida
147 Puerto Rico Dimari Rivera Consejera Lactancia Voluntaria
148 USA Susie Webering RN IBCLC Alegent Health Mercy
149 USA Crystal Emmert Cuyahoga County WIC Program (CCWP)
150 USA Lisy Peters Healthy Babies Happy Families
151 India Ravi Goyal Shaktishali Mahila Sangthan Samiti Shivpuri
152 USA Monica Polistina and Victoria Nichols-Johnson The West Central Illinois Breastfeeding Task Force
153 England Jo Beebee Breast Friends ,Culm Valley Children's Centre
154 Canada Julie Fournier ,Melissa Morin ,Emmanuela Diaz , Annie Paquet , Isabelle Bourque , Annie Germain , Nathalie Hautcoeur Support Mother's Group: Entraide Naturo-Lait , Mamie-Lait , Chantelait And Communication Firm (Volunteer's work) , Force G-Communiction and Shopping Mall Promenades Beauport
155 Puerto Rico Lizette Barranco Santa La Liga De La Leche De Ponce
156 Nigeria Ada Ezeogu UNICEF , NIGERIA
157 Venezuela Eunice Lample IBFAN Venezuela
158 Nigeria Olufunke Osindele Jounalist Against Aids JAAIDS ,
159 England Sara Ward Shropshire Council Sure Start Children's Centres & Shropshire County
160 USA Rachel Tiefel Boone Co Women , Infants and Children
161 Brunei Maureen Fletcher Dot Dot's Little Shop
162 USA Sharon Telford and Patricia Alfieri The Hospital of Central Connecticut , Tha Family BirthPlace
163 Pakistan Abdul Rehman Pirzado WHO
164 USA Charlene Cattoi Virginia Beach WIC Program of Virginia
165 India Dr. Daksha Pandit Terna Medical College , Navi Mumbai
166 Uganda Ruth Babirye IBFAN Uganda
167 Brazil Rodrigo Cesar de Oliveira Carvalho Grupo Acalma (Acoes Cooperativas de Apoio ao Leite Materno e a Amamentacao
168 USA America Trevino & Osiris Mora North Central Bronx Hospital
169 India Dr. Mangala Wani POGS
170 USA Sarah Keeter Catawba County Public Health WIC
171 Qatar Dr.Mohammed Ilyas Khan OBS & Gynae Department , AKH , Hamad Medical Corporation
172 USA Mona Patterson RN Winslow Indian Health Care Center
173 Peru Cesar Amanzo Hospital III De Emergencies Grau-EsSalud
174 USA Eugenie L. White-Jackson Queens Hospital Center
175 Australia Midwives And Nurses of St George and Sutherland Public Hospitals , Sydney New South Wales Health
176 USA Terry Jo Curtis Indiana Black Breastfeeding Coalition
177 Pakistan Dr. Mushtaque Ali Memon WHO
178 Canada Brigitte Tremblay Aidons-Lait
179 Peru Teresa Heredia Leon Consejera en Lactancia Materna Voluntaria
180 USA Stacey Fisher Dubois County WIC Program in Indiana
181 Thailand Meena Sobsamai Thai Breastfeeding Center
182 Afghanistan Dr. Zarmina Safi & Dr.Zakia Maroof Ministry of Public Health and UNICEF
183 Indonesia Nining S. Muktamar KAKAK Foundation
184 Peru Edgard Rivero Contreras Asociacion Psicoadapta
185 Brazil Luciana Mantovani,Monique Souza Da Rocha,Walmir Junio De Pinho Reis Rodrigues, Eneida Tonasso Afonso Programa De Prevencao Odontologica Mamae-Bebe
186 Nigeria Nneoma Albert-Ukonu Befa Women and Child Care Foundation
187 USA Mary Beth Sweet Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
188 India A. Shanthi Welfare Organization for Rural Development (Word)
189 Malawi Julita Nsanjama Manda Catholic Relief Services (WALA)
190 USA Mona Patterson Winslow Indian Health Care Center
191 Nigeria Mrs Bunmi Ogundimu Colostrum International
192 Spain Gemma Troyano Ros GAMMA Vilafranca del Penedes
193 Argentina Susana Violeta Gonzalez Instituto de Seguridad Social del Neuguen
194 Serbia Dragana Socanin Serbian Parent Network (Udruzenje RODITELJ)
195 USA WIC and Peeer Counseling Staff Creek County Health Dept
196 USA Lynda Jinkerson & Barbara Kalmen Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital
197 USA May Vasquez and Grace Yee San Francisco General Hospital and City & County of San Francisco WIC Program
198 Argentina Subprograma Lactancia Materna Del Programa Materno Infantil Ministerio Salud Bs As La Provincia
199 Utah Ana Tooele County WIC
200 Brazil Fernanda SA Maternidade Municipal Alzira Reis Vieira Ferreira-FMS Niteroi RJ
201 England Coventry Infant Feeding Team Coventry City Council
202 Colombia Sandra Solangee Vargas Jaramillo Cafesalud Medicina Prepagada
203 Brazil Enfa Natalia Carvalho Costa Pereira Enfa Dilvanita Nascimento
204 Uganda Kyamulabi Justine Breast Feeding Awareness Trust
205 USA Susan Shinkle and Kelly Beasley Butler County
206 USA Joanie Betsinger Fillmore County Public Health
207 USA Erin Johnson Mille Lacs County Public Health and WIC
208 USA Pam Schnare Joy Motsiff
209 USA Sheryl Collins WIC of Benton County Indiana
210 USA Sheryl Collins WIC of Warren County Indiana
211 USA Misty Russell WIC of Vermillion County Indiana
212 USA Misty Russell WIC of Fountain County Indiana
213 India Dr. Tarisha Kapadia Civil Hospital Nadiad
214 Brazil Marli Monteiro UBS Jardim Lourdes
215 Ireland Pearse Street Primary Care Team Dublin 2 Ireland Health Services Executive
216 USA Ellen Taylo Abington Memorial Health
217 Mexico Graciela Hess Hospital Medica Sur-Lomas
218 Brazil Equipe do Programa Saude da Crianca Secretaria Municipal De Saude de Uberlandia-MG Brazil
219 USA David Shapiro Youth & Family Services
220 USA Peggy Litt Blessing Hospital
221 Phillipines Patrick Simon S. Soria Southern Phillipines Medical Center
222 USA Agnes Pedicino New York Presbyterian Hospital
223 USA Doreen L. Conner Cardon Children's Medical Center & Banner Desert Medical Center
224 USA Jaci Imberger Latch-On (Taos,New Mexico)
225 USA Christine Maggard Preble County, Ohio WIC
226 Brazil Hospital Municipal Universitario De Sao Bernardo Do Campo Iniciativa Hospital Amigo Da Crianca-IHAC HMUSBC
227 Argentina Victoria Troncoso Esencia de Madre
228 Argentina Luis Arges Area Pediatria-Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de la UniversidadNacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
229 Russia Ludmila Remezova
230 India Dr. Kuntal Biswas Indian Public Health Association
231 USA Nancy Gonzales TSN/WIC Program Beckley,WV
232 Puerto Rico Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital Breastfeeding Committee and Proyecto Lacta
233 USA Tara Kelly Children's Hospital Boston
234 Pakistan Dr.Mahjabeen Khan Dow University of Health Sciences
235 Bosnia and Herzegovina Lejla Kapidzic Udruzenje DjeCa, Djecije Carstvo
236 USA Donna Long Leon County WIC
237 Myanmar Dr. Thein Thein Hnin Hospital Team
238 England Kathryn Toyne King Park Children's Centre
239 India C. Baskaran Social Education and Environment Development (SEED)
240 England Rachel Stewart Barnardo's
241 Brunei Lim Poh Chuan Ministry of Health-Brunei Breastfeeding Committee
242 Brazil Claudia de Lima Teixeira Fuentes Garcia Secretaria De Saude Do Municipio De Osasco
243 Brazil Flavia Pereira Valdetaro Secretaria Municipal Da Saude De Tatui -SP
244 France Board Member of the COFAM Coordination Francaise Pour I'Allaitement Maternel
245 Uganda Esther N. Naluguza IBFAN Uganda (Kasese)
246 India Dr. Jayashree Jayakrishhnan Mother Infant Lactation Centre (MILC) Chennai
247 Australia Amanda McCormack Child and Family Health Centre Broken Hill
248 India T.Kokila Social Trust for Accretion of Retrogrades (STAR)
249 USA Donna Martin Abington Memorial Hospital
250 USA Debbie Peterson Saginaw Chippewa Tribe Health Start Program
251 USA Shannon Magnotti WIC
252 USA Dane Nutty Indiana Mothers' Milk Bank
253 India Subhra Samujjwal PARI,PALTA
254 Brazil Mari Elisia de Andrade Hospital Geral De Itapecerica Da Serra/Seconcci-OSS,
255 USA Deirdre deProspero Pikes Peak Regional Doula Asociation
256 USA Kimberly Sebeck Knoxville Doula
257 Brazil Cibele Mary Ramos Nogueira Prefeitura,Municiapl de Horizonte, Comissao Municipal de Aleitamento Materno de Horizonte
258 USA Melinda Burnette Putnam County, WIC Office
259 USA Melinda Burnette Owen County WIC Office
260 USA Rachel Eby Elkhart County WIC Program
261 Brazil Coordenacao Municipal do Programa Saude da Mulher, Secretario Municipal de Saude-Jose Heleno Antonio Pinto Prefeitura Municipal de Itaquaquecetuba
262 Trinidad and Tabago Lynette Sampson The Informative Breastfeeding Service
263 India Dr. Shamim Ahmad Siddiqui Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, Pune, Maharashtra
264 Brazil ThaAs Quintela Posto de Coleta de Leite Humano da Unidade de SaAode da FamAlia Fraternidade
265 England Janice Slade Salisbury City Children's Centre
266 USA Jamie McNeeley Medina County WIC
267 USA Women,Infants,and Children Staff (WIC) First Choice Community Healthcare Almosa WIC
268 USA Jessica Elston Hendricks County, Indiana WIC
269 Espana Rosario Sanchez-Escalonilla Gonzalez Grupo De Madres Lactantes de FUENSALIDA en Toledo
270 Japan Vicki Carter WIC Overseas, Misawa, Japan
271 Paraguay Comite de Lactancia Materna (Breastfeeding Comite) Hospital Materno-Infantil Reina Sofia Cruz Roja
272 Brazil Leila Rangel da Silva Nucleo de Pesquisa,Estudos e Exerimentacao na Area da Saude da Mulher e da Crianca (NuPEEMC) e Programma de Pos Graduacao Mestrado em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio De Janeiro (UNIRIO)
273 Peru Kelly Yanuri Malca Saavedra Essalud-Policlinico Agustin Gavidia Salcedo - Lambayeque-Peru
274 Canada Darlene Inglis IWK Health Centre
275 India Dr. D.K. Dewan Directorate of Family Welfare, Govt of Delhi
276 Palestine Mona Al Moghany Ard El Insan Palestinian Association for Child Health And Nutrition
277 Brazil Cintia Niesponginski, Nilva A. Cardoso da Luz, Beatrice Zanatta Hospital E Maternidade Sagrada Familia Promove
278 Portugal Alexandra Bento Presidente da Associacao Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas,Portuguese Nutritionists Association
279 USA Clark County Staff Clark County Indiana WIC
280 USA Amanda Hinkle Hancock County WIC,Greenfield Indiana
281 Lithuania Rima Kurtinaitiene Prieraisiosios tevystes centras
282 USA Brea E. Loewit Robinson Memorial Birth Center
283 India Dr. Abhay Mane Navodaya Medical College, Raichur, Karnataka
284 USA Rene Pollard Imperial County Breastfeeding Coalition
285 Brazil Analia Ribeiro Heck Banco de Leite Humano do Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo - Ribeirao Preto
286 USA Rebecca Magalhaes La Leche League of Henry and Stark Counties
287 New Zealand Barbara Wright MidCentral Health Palmerston North
288 USA Rosamaria Lugo New Mexico Department of Health (WIC)
289 USA Phyllis Young Grand View Hospital
290 Kenya Millicent Kavosa Lusigi International Rescue Committtee -Dadaab;Hagadera Refugee Camp
291 Argentina Luisa Bengolea
292 USA Honorah Domizio Bay Clinic WIC Program
293 USA Hollie Duval County Health Department
294 Spain Inma Pablos, Susanna Burgos, Ana Morillo Pit Nature Grup de Suport a la Lactancia
295 Australia Sydel Weinstien Family Nurturing Centre
296 Brazil Maria Nereida Panichi Grupo de Apoio ao Aleitamento Materno Exclusivo (GAAME)
297 Brazil Dr. Clery Galacci Hospital e Maternidade Santa Joana
298 USA Loretta L. Manriquez University Medical Center
299 Phillipines Grace M. Lim Department of Health -Center for Health Development -Caraga
300 Bosnia and Herzegovina Lana Zeherovoric Assotiation DjeCa
301 Bosnia and Herzegovina Jasna Pleho Udruzenje DjeCa Djecije Carstvo
302 USA Candace Hammer Beaufort County Health Department
303 India Shobana Gangadharan Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, India
304 Mexico Monica Salazar Ponce & Leticia Jimenez FamiliaLibre .com&
305 USA Felicia Termine-Bonner Willow Creek Women's Hospital
306 Brazil Regicely Aline Brandao, Sulamita Rodrigues,Carmem Lucia Baison,Rogerio do Prodo, Roberta Portanova e lacy Millone Secretariat Municipal de Saude de Maua
307 Australia Marion Baker Caboolture Hospital
308 Bosnia and Herzegovina Lejla Kapidzic Udruzenje DjeCa,Djecije Carstvo
309 USA Maria Walden Kootenai Health Birthplace
310 USA Melisa L. Ewing Hancock County WIC
311 Peru Isabelolortegui Corrales Seguro Social Essalud -Hospital IIITacna
312 USA Julia Decker Pulaski Memorial Hospital & Heartland Breastfeeding Coalition
313 Australia Anne Donovan Royal Children's Hospital
314 S.Korea Lee Young-Sook Korean Committee for UNICEF
315 Australia Linda Coombes Warwick Hospital,QLD Health
316 Malaysia Tan Yen Nee Department of Health, Kulim
317 USA Carolyn Nagle, Deb Lewis, Lisa Seiler, Nancy Dowell, and Jean Greathouse. Indiana WIC-Steuben County WIC
318 USA Melissa Cole Luna Lactation
319 Philippines Ma Evelyn R. Lacsina Taguig City Health Office
320 Bosnia and Herzegovina Amra Kapetanovic """DjeCa"
321 USA Holly PC IN.WIC Liberty Indiana WIC
322 UK Maggie Rae Wiltshire Primary Care Trust and Wiltshire County Council
323 USA Misty Wheeler,Holly Nolan White/Carroll County IN WIC Program
324 Russia Irina Ryukhova Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia
325 USA Timika Anderson-Reeves Access Community Health Network
326 India Dr. Abhay Mane Navodaya Medical College, Raichur, Karnataka, India
327 China Liora Pearlman La Leche League Beijing
328 Bulgaria Tania Ruseva La Leche League Bulgaria
329 India Dr. B. Sreelatha Taluk Hospital Tharangambadi
330 Australia Lauren -Cheltenham/Parkdale Group The Australian Breastfeeding Association
331 Australia Eszter Wong Australian Breastfeeding Association Kariong Group
332 Australia Rachel Hall Lower Blue Mountains Group of the Australian Breastfeeding Association
333 UK Betty Dobson Rural Needs Initiative, The Corner House Children's Centre
334 USA Jeanne Moore Twin Tiers Breastfeeding Network
335 USA Tiffany Smith-Fleischman,Laura Hanna-Bergen,Heather Mar,Allyson Olson LLL of Issaquah,Washington
336 Peru Godofredo Pebe Salazar Hospital Essalud II Oroya
337 Australia Sarah-Jane Bonner Australian Breastfeeding Association, Tamworth,NSW
338 USA Jennifer Craig La Leche League of Broomfield
339 Brazil Eloise Moreira Campos Monteiro Barreto Grupo De Maes Amigas Do Peito -Rio De Janeiro
340 Australia Sandra Casey Horsham Group Australian Breastfeeding Association
341 Ecuador Linda Arturo Delgado "Hospital Gineco-Obstetrico""Isidro Ayora"" de Quito-Ecuador"
342 Sri Lanka Vellasamy Swamy Sivananthan Fathers Support Group
343 USA Susan Holland Brown The Barren River District Health Dept. and BabyNet Coalition
344 Venezuela T.S.U. Franscisco Javier Pittol Carias Hospital Tipo I Dr. Pedro Gomez Rolingson
345 India Dr. MP Cariappa Station Health Organization Jodhpur
346 Brazil Dr. Clery Galacci Hospital e Maternidade Santa Joana
347 USA Jan Gray Bonner General Hospital
348 Indonesia Safitri Ristagitania Athar, Andriana Chaizir Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI)
349 Saudi Arabia Dr. Faisal Shamim Ahmad Siddiqui Al-Mandaq PHCC
350 Brazil Rafaela Faria Human Milk Bank Instituto da Mulher
351 Brazil Equipe De Saude Da Familia Da Beira-Linha UBSF Beira-Linha
352 Colombia Angela Milena Maldonado Ortiz Ese Hospital San Vicente De Paul De Garzon (Huila)
353 Portugal Giselia Maria Pereira Machado HPP-Cascais/Consulta Externa
354 USA Teresa F. Bailey Strip District La Leche League of Southwestern Pennsylvania
355 Colombia Ese Jaime Alvarado Y Castilla Rauca-Arauca Primera Parte
356 USA Teresa L. Mitchell Huron Hospital
357 USA Heather Gilbert Honeysuckle La Leche Leque (E.Hawaii)
358 USA Christina J. Bennett Ba, Birth Doula Planet Birth Childbirth Services & Gainesville Doula Network
359 Brazil Jussara Mendes Lipinski Joici Cassiani Lagemann,Rodriane Rodrigues Avila,Rochele Santana Dornelles,Lisie Alantes Prades, Maria Izabel Claus Prato, Wendel Mombaque Dos Santos, Aline Ramos, Kelly Viana
360 USA Stephanie Sosnowski New York Statewide Breastfeeding Coalition
361 Uganda Apostle Inawole Job Olusegun The Rescue Mission International Ministry
362 USA Jayne Sorber Gettysburg Hospital
363 India Dr. Fawaz Shamim Siddiqui Center for Research Education Advocacy and Development -India
364 India Ubachak Mohanty May I Help You
365 Malaysia Wong Hui Juan Alor Gajah Health District Office, Melaka/Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor
366 Brazil Jaisane Lobato Hospital Regional Materno Infantil De Imperatriz
367 Colombia Maria Ramirez Kaiku Infant Interaction
368 India Dr.Mital Prajapati Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt of Gujarat
369 Nigeria Dr.Chika Ndiokwelu University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku-Ozalla,Enugu State Nigeria
370 Singapore Marlini Bte Ismail MyMums World Singapoe
371 India Dr. Rajan Dubey Norway India Partnership Initiative, Madhya Pradesh
372 UK Liz Gunn Tiverton Breastfeeding Peer Supporters
373 UK Liz Gunn Baby Bistro
374 Ghana Veronica Gomez Ghana Health Service and Ghana Infant Nutrition Action Network (GINAN)
375 Australia Virginia Millard Hobsons Bay Group of The Australian Breastfeeding Association
376 USA Heather Erikson Moms Prayer Group
377 Portugal Giselia Maria Pereira Machado HPP -Cascais/Consulta Externa
378 USA Amanda Nowak Rochester, MN La Leche League
379 Argentina Sandra M. Ramirez Liga De La Leche Argentina Filial Mar Del Plata
380 Brazil Viviane Borges Louzada Hospital Bom Samaritano-Governador Valadares
381 USA Paula Webb Hamilton OCH Regional Medical Center
382 Australia Vicki Rossiter Katherine Hospital,Katherine, Northern Territory Australia
383 USA Robbie Gonzalez-Dow California Breastfeeding Coalition
384 USA Danielle Henderson Whitley County IN WIC
385 USA Charlene Burian WHINK Coalition (Whitley,Huntington,Nobel and Kosciusko Counties Indiana
386 Canada Lisa Wondrasek
387 India Dr. Rajendrab.Khatal Khatal Patil Clinic, Sangamner
388 India Lhakpa Tsering Dhondenling Van Thiel Charitable Trust Hospital Kollegal
389 Australia Michelle Gilmore Breastfeeding Promotion Gympie
390 India Dr.V.R.R.Bhupathi Lions Clubs International, L.C. Bezwada and Indian Academy of Pediatrics Krishna District
391 USA Leslie Bruder White/Carroll County WIC Program Indiana & TLC Breastfeeding Coalition
392 UK Ramona McIlkenny Windmill Hill Childrens Centre, Tidworth
393 Argentina Dr.Alfredo Alberto Trama Aun es Tiempo de Crecer
394 Ecuador Ana Maria Acosta Grupo de Apoyo a la Maternidad y la Lactancia Quito
395 Russia Tatyana Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia
396 Hong Kong Ivy Yiu Hospital Authority Breastfeeding Promotion Subcommittee, Hospital Authority Hong Kong
397 USA Jan Wenk Highland Hospital
398 Trinidad and Tabago Lynette Sampson / Marsha Trepte The Informative Breastfeeding Service (TIBS)
399 Australia Emily Hine Autralian Breastfeeding Association, Blackburn/Mitcham (VIC) Group
400 USA Jennie Hawthorn Mayes Breast Fed is Best Fed
401 Trinidad and Tabago Stephanie Charles The Informative Breastfeeding Service (TIBS)
402 Brazil Bruna Leite Santana Grupo Mamar
403 Australia Mary Mulcahy Cairns Base Hospital
404 USA Honouring Our Children Participants Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians of Wisconsin Honoring our Children
405 Australia Gungahlin Group Australian Breastfeeding Association
406 Brazil Erandy E Lidiane Hospital Infantil Albert Sabin
407 Denmark Sisse Holmstrup La Leche League Denmark and
408 USA Jenna Hadley Wright County Human Services
409 USA Gina Verst La Leche League of Northern Kentucky and the Northern Kentucky Breastfeeding Coalition
410 USA Holly Todlish BF Peer Rush County WIC Agency
411 Australia Allison Bunt Australian Breastfeeding Association, North Eastern Group
412 Indonesia Yemima Wandia Christiani Compassion East Indonesia
413 Sri Lanka Amara Peeris Sarvodaya Women's Movement Sri Lanka
414 India Apurba KR Roy Chowdhury Chuanpur Welfare Society
415 USA Lisa B. Ellison Moms at Home Meetup Around Waterville-MAHMAW
416 Portugal Dra. Adriana Rubino Nunez Servico de Saude Publica -Centro de Saude de Mertola
417 Japan Nami Murakami Nurse out in Japan, Oita
418 Japan Aya Ogawa Nurse out in Japan,Munakata
419 Japan Izumi Maruyama Nurse out in Japan-Ueda
420 Japan Horiko HARATAKE Nurse out in Japan-Kurume
421 Japan Noriko Suzuki Nurse out in Japan -Kawaguchi
422 Japan Kyoko Iwasaki Nurse out in Japan -Nerima
423 Japan Miwa Hirose Nurse out in Japan-Hachioji
424 Japan Hitomi Goto Nurse out in Japan-Numata
425 Japan Mako KARUBE Nurse out in Jpana-OSAKI
426 Japan Syouko Hayashida Nurse out in Japan
427 Japan Nobuko MASAKI Nurse out in Japan
428 Japan Takako MIURA Nurse out in Japan
429 Japan Kyoko KITA Nurse out in Japan-Amagasaki
430 Japan Yuka SUGITA Nurse out in Japan-Matsumoto
431 Japan Kaori KUROSAWA Nurse out in Japan -Tomi
432 Japan Sachiko OKAMOTO Nurse out in Japan-Takmatsu
433 Russia Anastasia Pushkina Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia
434 USA Mary Ann Jones Sharp Mary Birch Hospital
435 India Swami Pranaka ISHA Outreach
436 UAE Sosamma K Abraham Al Baraha Hospital Dubai
437 Brazil Jefferson Pereira Guilherme Human Milk Bank Amazonas
438 Brazil Rafeale Faria Human Milk Bank Instituto da Mulher
439 USA Marilyn Wilson Wayne County Breastfeeding Coalition
440 Tuvalu Fafoa G. Rusia Ministry of Health, Tuvalu
441 Australia Louise Wightman Maitland Child and Family Health Service in Collaboration with ABA
442 Brazil Sonia Salviano Associacao Brasileira de Profissionais de Bancos de Leite Humano e Aleitamento Materno
443 Colombia Nubia Carmenza Martinez Cardozo y comite IAMI Salud Sogamosa Empresa Social Del Estado
444 Russia Anastasia Kapralova, Ekaterina Ruchkina, Ekaterina Serovskaja Center of Breastfeeding Support Ryazan,Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia
445 Australia Kaylie Smith Australian Breastfeeding Association Sherwood Group
446 USA Katharine Gallagher Lane County Friends of the Birth Center
447 India Dr. R. Selvan & Dr. E.S. Usha Lotus Hospital And Research Centre Limited, Erode, India
448 Ukraine Melnyk Lena Melnyk Lena
449 USA Karen Swass Taunton Attleboro WIC Program Citizens for Citizens, Inc
450 India Dr. Akhileshwar Singh & Dr.Sharmila Mukherjee Singh Indian Air Force
451 Canada Amand Liefl Gracious Baby Studio and Boutigue
452 Colombia Hector Alonso Duque Aristizabal Empresa Social Del Estado Hospital San Juan De Dios De El Santuario
453 USA Danielle Bergum Esali Birth
454 Brazil Andrea Lucia Gouveia Prefeitura Municipal De Itapetoininga
455 Pakistan Dr. Aisha Saher Zafar The Network for Consumer Protection
456 USA Aurora Phillips "Arizona Breastfeeding Coalition
457 UAE Corniche Hospital in Affiliation with John Hopkins International Health Authority of Abu Dhabi
458 Malaysia Sabrina Sunderraj Mother-to-Mother-Peer-Support
459 Fiji Island Shamshad Nisha Lautoka Hospital Breastfeeding Committee
460 Colombia Paula Andrea Henao Mejia Programa Madre Canguro Integral-Medellin
461 USA Lisa Lipscomb """Mom and Baby Connection""
462 Kenya "Terrie Wefwafwa Head Division of Nutrition"
463 Argentina Alejandra Marina Mercado Comision Provincial de Lactancia Materna de Neuguen
464 USA Marcie L. Aliaga
465 Ecuador Ana Maria Acosta Maternity and Breastfeeding Support Group
466 Peru Servicio De Neonatologia Hospital Base Almenara-RAA
467 India Dr. Pravakar Mishra Cuttack District Branch with IAP Cuttack District Branch
468 Netherlands Chella Verhoeven WBW Nederland Ontmoetingsdag
469 Brazil Luciana M. Herrero Aninhare-Atitude do Cuidar
470 USA Mary Ryder Chautaugua County WIC
471 Peru Mery Luz Medrano Rios Hospital Nacional Dos De Mayo
472 Malaysia Nur Wahidda Azmi "Kedah State Health Department
473 Nepal Sanjeeb Chaudhary Idea Nepal
474 India Dr. Rangjung D. Lingtsang ITBP SHQ (Gangtok)
475 Brazil Cristina Ide Fujinaga Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste do Parana/UNICENTRO
476 Peru Gloria Gonzalez Navarro Asociacion Kusi Warma
477 Greece The Friends of Breastfeeding
478 Peru Patricia FernAndez Clinica Pablo BermAdez Essalud
479 Greece The Friends of Breastfeeding
480 Greece The Friends of Breastfeeding
481 Malaysia Lactation Committee Hospital Seberang Jaya
482 India Dr. Ilesh S. Kotecha Dept. of Preventive & Social Medicine, Govt. Medical College Bhanagar
483 Peru Yo, Maria Teresa Torres Morales Splendor para tu familia
484 Spain Ana Rosa Muniz Pena, Raquel Martin Calvo, Beatriz Ruiz Auilar, Raquel Fernandez, Araceli Roldon Rodriquez y Araceli Pelaez Canete Asociacion Instinto Maternal, Grupo de apoyo a la lactancia meterna
485 Argentina Lic Mirta Elena Machuca, Lic Amalia Moi, Dra Rosa L. Mosqueira, Lic Alicia Puentes Comision Provincial de Lactancia Materna Minist de Salud Publica de Salta-Argentina
486 Argentina Monica Waisman Maternidad Sarda
487 Venezuela Lolita Landaeta Amamanta Venezuela
488 Ireland Anne McNee BSc Midwifery Students, 2007-2011
489 USA Kim Moss-Allen La Leche League of Omaha
490 Argentina Lucila Arroyo and Delfina Mosquera Bede's Grammar School
491 Portugal Maria Fatima Pereira Associacao Milagre de Vida-Preparacao para o Parto
492 Portugal Amelia Cunha Centro De Saude Norton De Matos
493 USA Laurel K. Tharrington Lactation Consultant , New Life Center
494 Germany Heike Otsuka
495 Spain Mar Torres Lopez Associacio Mareus, Grup De Suport A La Maternitat Conscient I A LA Crainca Respectuosa
496 Peru Mylene Huanqui ADRA PERU
497 Russia Vladimir Furtcev Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals and organisations concerned with the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding worldwide. WABA action is based on the Innocenti Declaration, the Ten Links for Nurturing the Future and the Global Strategy for Infant & Young Child Feeding. Its core partners are IBFAN, LLLI, ILCA, Wellstart International and ABM. Find out more at the WABA.