No | Country | Name | Organisation | Activities/Events |
1 | USA | Miriam Labbok | Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute | Breastfeeding Friendly Business & Worksite Awards |
2 | USA | M. Danielle Bergum | Esali Birth | Walk/Run (Stoller /Baby Friendly) Donations to LLL |
3 | India | Dr. Jayashree Jayakrishnan | Mothers and Infants Lactation/Breastfeeding Centre | Training to implement breastfeeding skills, Public forumson breastfeeding. |
4 | UK | Liz Gunn | Baby Bistro | BF Friendly films, Info on start of life, Peer Support |
5 | USA | Jill C. Hartzog | CarolinaEast Medical Center | Display and exchange of breastfeeding information |
6 | India | Dr. H.S.V.S. Sastry | Nri General Hospital | Skit by nursing student on 10 steps. Poster Competition on breastfeeding. Rally and meeting with antenatal,lactating mothers,and family members. |
7 | USA | Mindy Glenn | West Jefferson Medical Center-Family Birth Place | Pens,T-shirts with breastfeedingslogans, poster display. |
8 | England | Jacob Dales | Shape Housing | Breastfeeding posters on display. |
9 | UAE | Somamma K. Abraham | Al Baraha Hospital | Antenal education of mother Display of 10 steps in diff languages |
10 | India | Dr. Mariya Amin Qurieshi | Department of Community Medicine Amrita School of Medicine | Quiz on breastfeeding Awareness on breastfeeding among pregnant and lactating mother. Symposium on Breastfeeding Health Education |
11 | India | Mr Om Prakesh Sharma | Gram Chetna Kendra | Generate awarness of breastfeeding among village folks. Workshop in campus |
12 | India | Dr. Shilpa K | Department of Community Medicine | Talks, Visits to the Urban Health Centres, to discuss breastfeeding issues |
13 | Kenya | Millicent Kavosa Lusigi | International Rescue Committee -Dadaab-Hagadera Camp | Sensitization of BFHI to staff, community leader. Immediate initiation of breastfeeding -skin to skin contact at the maternity labour room. Practical help to mothers. |
14 | India | Sapna Arora | Inner Wheel Club of Mahabaleshwar | Distribution of fliers, Working with grassroots level in rural areas for mother -child welfare. Basic health & malnutrition |
15 | Croatia | Milan Stanojevic | Clinical Hospital Sv. Duh. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology | Breastfeeding week via radio Prenatal courses. |
16 | Nepal | Rakesh Ayer | Rural Community Health Organization Nepal (RCHON) | Question and answer session on breastfeeding |
17 | India | Dr. Abhay Mane | Navodaya Medical College | Awareness campaign, Focus Group Discussion, Banner display. AV Aids |
18 | Colombia | Paula Andrea Henao Mejia | Programa Madre Canguro Integral-Sede Medellin | Conference/symposium with clinical staff on BFHI |
19 | India | Dr. Vijayaprasad Gopichandran | Rural Women's Social Education Center, Reproductive Health Clinic | Cultural program-skit on importance of breastfeeding. Posters and exhibition for mothers Interactive talks and discussion. Quiz competition for mothers. Healthy child contest |
20 | USA | Candace Hammer | Beaufort County Health Department | Bulletin Board Display |
21 | India | Ravi Goyal | Shaktishali Mahila Sangathan Samiti | Phamplets on IYCF displayed and distributed. Motivational movie - Breast Crawl shown to mothers Explaining importance of exclusive breastfeeding Demonstration of the right postion and attachment of baby . Counseling of mothers. College girls express their opinion of breastfeeding via painting. |
22 | USA | Timbra Wiist | La Leche League of Murray | Fundraiser with mini nursing/ breastfeeding portrait session. |
23 | India | Dr. Tarisha Kapadia | J.Z.M. and N Civil Hospital, Nadiad | Breastfeeding info kit distribution Role Play -Certificate to participants |
24 | Cameroon | James Achanyi-Fontem | Cameroon Link | Awareness of benefits of breastfeeding. Field Code Monitoring. Organised training for media and community health workers Increase community involvement in fathers and other support group. |
25 | India | Dr. Rajinder Gulati | Indian Academy of Pediatrics,Ludhiana District Branch | Inter College Quiz on Infant and Young Child Feeding for nurses. |
26 | India | Dr. Rajinder Gulati | ||
27 | India | Dr. Rajinder Gulati | Civil Hospital Raikot, District Ludhiana | Article on the occasion of WBW2010 in media for publication |
28 | India | Dr. Rajinder Gulati | Board Member, Indian Academy of Pediatrics | Board Member, Indian Academy of Pediatrics |
29 | India | Dr. Rajinder Gulati | Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Ludhiana Dist. Branch | District level -Advantages of Breastfeeding. Myths about Breastfeeding. Present syenario of IYCF in Punjab |
30 | India | Dr. Rajinder Gulati | Civil Hospital Raikot, District Ludhiana | Parent Education Program on IYCF.for medical staff and mothers |
31 | India | Anil Batra | Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology,Asian Institute of Medical Sciences. | Lectures on benefits of Breastfeeding for pregnantand lactating mothers.Distribution of pamplets, Banners |
32 | India | Dr. Anjali Chauhan | Department of Community Medicine | Talk on cultural barriers and how to overcome. |
33 | Colombia | Maria Ramirez | Kaiku Infant Interaction | Role play by school students Talks and show on breastfeeding |
34 | USA | Karen Settembre | St. Mary's Medical Center | DVD presentation about the importance of skin to skin care for babies within the first hour of life. Display of information about WBW |
35 | India | Dr. Rajal Thaker & Dr Deepa Banker | Sheth VS General Hospital and Sheth Chinai Maternity Hospital,Smt NHL Municipal Medical College | Lecture to post natal mothers and their families along with the post graduate student of Ob Gyn and Paediatrics |
36 | Brazil | Luciana Herrero | Aninhare-atitude do Cuidar | Comemoracao em praca |
37 | Argentina | Elba Dolores Sanchez | Hospital Perrando -Hospital Pediatrico Centro De Salud 4 De Junio De Barranqueras Centro De Salud De Villa Libertad-Centro De Salud De Villa Cristo Rey Centro De Salud General Belgrano |
Activities for the week. Closing ceremony at Hospital Perranco. Wooden Sculpture donated by famous sculptor CHAQUENO FABRICIANO GOMEZ and the LA FUNDACION URUNDAY. The sculpture is called "MARIA PAZ' |
38 | Andrea Shemilt | Newcastle Breastfeeding Resource | Distribution of WBW materials/posters | |
39 | India | Amalabheta | PREPARE ChildFund | WBW rally- with plycards and banners on value of breastfeeding Educate mothers on benefits and management of breastfeeding |
40 | Brazil | Viviana Borges Louzada | Hospital Bom Samaritano-Governador Valadares | Group activities and dicussion on benefits of breastfeeding |
41 | Malaysia | Lactation Committee | Hospital Seberang Jaya | One-minute Simultaneous Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding signature campaign. Quiz Competition on breastfeeding. Display of Breastfeeding poster for public viewing. |
42 | Peru | Jobita Valle | Institucion Educativa Inicial Modela Esalud | Display of posters and information on Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding education |
43 | India | Swami Pranaka | Isha Outreach | Breastfeeding poster in Tamil posted in 19 Miobile Health Clinics and 4 Isha Rural Health Clinics. Breastfeeding education of all nursing mothers. |
44 | Spain | Inma Pablos Rosriguez | PIT Nature -Grup De Suport a La Lactancia Materna | Conference - Emotions on Breastfeeding Step by step towards human-natal care and breastfeeding |
45 | India | Dr. Jayant Vagha | Seminar of the theme of WBW 2010 | |
46 | India | Dr. Jayant Vagha | Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Wardha Branch | Display of WBW banner translated in Marathi explaining the 10 steps of breastfeeding in the baby friendly way. Banners disributed to different colleges. |
47 | India | Dr. Jayant Vagha | AVBRH DMIMS (DU) Wardha | Organized Essay, poster competitions during WBWB. Total of 21 essay. and 48 poster received. |
48 | India | Dr. Jayant Vagha | Pediatrics Department | Role Play for Lactating mothers and family members. Questions and answers on breastfeeding |
49 | Russia | Anastasia Pushkina | Natural Feeding Cnsultant Association from Russia (NFCA) | Information Exchange on Breastfeeding. Discussion and practical help for mothers. |
50 | Nigeria | Dr. Sophie D. Eejiiofor | Initiative for Restoration of Women's Virtues and Values(IFROWVV) | Awareness,sensitization and promotion seminars to newly delivered mother with demonstration. Seminar on Role of breastfeeding on the Mother's health. The Risks of Artificial Feeding. |
51 | India | Apurba Kr. Roy Chowdhury | Chaunpur Welfare Society | Promotion of knowledge of breastfeeding to pregnant mother. Involvement of health workers and social workers in promoting breastfeeding |
52 | Ukraine | Julia Shushaylo | Miracle at Home | Free seminars for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Seminars for medical doctors |
53 | Russia | Olga Sharova | Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia | Family holiday, -play zone for children and information stand for parents. Questions and Answers on breastfeeding |
54 | Uganda | Apostle Inawole Job Olusegun | The Rescue Mission International Ministry | Programme with the theme "Benefits of Breastfeeding and its likely Hindrances". Hand out pamplets of illustrative pictures - Questions and Answers |
55 | Tuvalu | Fofoa R. Gulugulu | Ministry of Health, Tuvalu | Dissemination of information sheets on breastfeeding to all government offices. Workshop for nursing and medical staff on breastfeeding policy and 10 steps of breastfeeding. Radio spot on air daily basis. Baby Show based on nornal growth patterns,practicing exclusive breastfeeding for the first 4 months and least number of reported childhood illnesses awarded gift. |
56 | India | Dr. Ilesh S. Kotecha | Department of Precentive and Social Medicine Government Medical College | A sensitizing orientation sesion for nursing students. Field practice of Uban Health Training Center.
Home visits for Antenatal, Postnatal mother advising on importance of correct postion and attachment. |
57 | India | Dr. Ileh Kotecha | Department of Precentive and Social Medicine Government Medical College | Questions and Answers on the importance of Breastfeeding. Role Play, Media Reports |
58 | Peru | Comite De Lactancia Materna | Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen-Essalud | Sensitizing programme by doctors and staff of hospital. - benefits of breastfeeding. |
59 | Russia | Ryukhova Irina | Natural Feeding Consultant Association From Russia (NFCA) | Meeting with mothers explaining the ten steps. |
60 | Czech Republic | Anna Mydlilova | National Lactation Centre-Lactation League | Poster distribution to 99 maternity hospitals. Conference on importance of BFHI |
61 | Australia | Amanda McCormack | Child Family Health Centre, Broken Hill | Gathering with mothers and families |
62 | UK | Liz Gunn | Milky Way Mummies (Tiverton Breastfeeding Peer Supporters | Celebration with mother and babies |
63 | India | Dr. Chandran Babu Nalagatla | Amara Raja Batteries Limited | Information sharing with mothers on importance and benefits of breastfeeding to both babies and mothers. |
64 | Argentina | Dr. Alfredo Alberto Trama | Aun es Tiempo de Crecer | Viedeo shows on breastfeeding, live radio talks. |
65 | Australia | Mary Mulcahy | Cairns Base Hospital | Sharing informtion of The ten steps to successful breastfeeding to mothers and staff and display of pictorial format. |
66 | USA | Krystal Dalton Cinzia Thomas | District 4 Health Services WIC | Breastfeeding Bulletin Board. Information booth providing reading materials.WIC mothers given congratulatory postcards for exclusive breastfeeding. Thank you cards and gift to hospital certified Lactation Cunsultants. |
67 | India | Pramod Goyal | Narmada Samaj Kalyan Samiti | Motivational movie-Breastcrawl shown to mothers. Phamplets on IYCF displayed and distributed. Demonstration of the right positioning and attachment of baby. College students educated on breastfeeding. |
68 | USA | Julie Chatman | Ou Mom Spot | On line discussion forum on breastfeeding. WBW banner on display, posted breastfeeding information. |
69 | India | Prof. Dr. Ramesh Jain & Dr. Vyomkesh Shukla | Damkheda Saksham Manav Sewa Samiti | Medical Camp. Breastfeeding talks to groups. Personal counselling sessions |
70 | USA | Jenna Hadley | Wright County Human Services | Display of breastfeeding brochures. |
71 | USA | Kelly Evans | Springfield/Greene County WIC | Breastfeeding information displayed and distributed. |
72 | USA | Paula Mattson | Cooley Dickson Hospital | Breastfeeding posters . Booths by professionals and breastfeeding mothers |
73 | Spain | Rosario Sanchez Escalonilla Gonzalez | Gripo de Madre Lactantes de Fuensalida | Breastfeeding information displayed and distributed. |
74 | Nepal | Mamata Ghimire | Community Health Concern Nepal (CHCN) | Individual counselling to pregnant mothers, about benefits of breastfeeding . |
75 | Colombia | Edith Rojas Lopez | WSE Jaime Alvarado y Castilla | Talks on benefits of breastfeeding. Group experience sharing. Distribution of pamplets on breastfeeding. |
76 | India | Dr. Daksha Pandit | Terna Medical College -Department of Preventive & Social Medicine | Street play . Intercollege competition Health Exbition. Poster competition. Community based programme including pregnant lactating women social workers and health workers. |
77 | India | Dr. Rajinder Gulati | Civil Hospital Raikot, District Ludhiana | Seminars for nursing students on Infant and Younc Child Feeding. Inter college on the spot poster making competition. |
78 | Russia | Terentyene Elena | Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia | Photo competition. Best breastfeeding slogan. Presentation for mother on proper latching. Training with assistance from nursing mother and doctors and lactation consultants. |
79 | Russia | Larionova Tatyana | Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russsia | Interactive action of nursing mother. Event report published by 4 newpapers, 5 television programme 1 radio programme , 1 magzine . Lectures delivered for pregnant mothers. Contest for pregnant and photo contest for nursing mothers. Women who nursed more tha 1 year warded by diplomas. |
80 | Rusia | Nedosekova Yulia | Natural Feeding Consultant Association from Russia | 10 steps for breastfeeding.meeting with families |
81 | UAE | Moza Ali Al Kuwaiti | Al Ain Hospital - Family Medicine Institute | Train medical staff on WHO/UNICEF Breastfeeding course. Conduct introduction lecture in breastfeeding for non medical staff summarizing the ten steps and violation. Implement Code monitoring. Initiate breastfeeding benefits in Antenatal Clinic. Implement visiting sales representative policy. |
82 | India | Dr. Asha Benakappa,Dr Mala Ramachandran,Dr. P.N. Halagl ,Dr. K.Chowdappa | Baby Friendly Banglore City Corporation Maternity Homes | Conduct antenatal clinics twice weekly. Workshop with pratical demonstration conducted for Doctors at the Maternity Hospitals.,Mock assessment of BFHI. Train all level of staff involved in delivery on BFHI |
83 | Sri Lanka | Amara Peeris | Sarrodaya Women's Movement - Sri Lanka | Initiated baby Friendly Savings Scheme for mothers who breastfed for more the 6 months. |
84 | Bulgaria | R Modeva | Women & Mothers Against Violence | Press conference with 30 journalist from all National TV.Translation of materials to local language. |
85 | India | Dr. Jeyashree K | School of Public Health,Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research | Health talk related to breastfeeding. Audio visual -benefits of breastfeeding |
86 | India | Dr Vivek Saxena | Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Kanpur | Seminar and quiz competition. Quiz competition among mother. Talk about benefits of breastfeeding to babies,mothers and the families. Talks about common issues among mothers. |
87 | India | Dr.. Vivek Saxena | Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Kanpur | Information about early initiation of breastfeeding. Talk about ten steps to baby friendly breastfeeding. |
88 | India | Dr. Vivek Saxena | Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Kanpur | Press Conference to brief media about breastfeeding week celebrations. Talk on exclusive breastfeeding. |
89 | USA | Rene Atkins | St. Francis Hospital | Poster display. Certificate to mother. |
90 | Tuzla | Izeta Softic | University Clinical Center Tuzla | Talks on formula feeding and risk factors, Hopital polices to support breastfeeding. Advantages of breastfeeding for mother and babies. |
91 | Brazil | Walmir Junio de Pinho Reis Rodrigues | Ubsf Beira-Linha | Exhibition on educative movie on breastfeeding experiences and lecture on oral care of pregnant mothers and babies |
92 | Brazil | Luciana Mantovani | Programa de Prevencao Odontologica Mamae-Bebe | Diologue with pregnants mothers and quiz games about breastfeeding and nutrition |
93 | Venezuela | Lolita Landaeta | Amamanta Vebezuela | Certificate awarded to babies in 3 category: (i) Breastfed for First 6 months {ii) Complementary feeding with breatsfeeding after 6 months (iii) until 2 years. |
94 | USA | Manuuel Fermin | Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade | Free Workshop for local professionals in field of maternal,infant and child health. |
95 | Peru | Peter Alexander Torres Capcha | DISA JAEN | Awareness campaign, Group discussion and information sharing |
96 | India | T.Rani Paul | Vydehi Institute of Nursing Sciences and Research Center | Awareness programme on breastfeeding theme and importance of breastfeeding. |
97 | USA | Rita Walenga | Maricopa County WIC | Contest, Food and Recipe Demonstration. Posters and materials on breastfeeding displayed and distributed. |
98 | Indonesia | Lenette Golding | CARE -Window of Opportunity Program | Talk Show, -National Radio station on the advantages of breastfeeding. Dads participation in breastfeeding . Breastfeeding Commitment Ceremony |
99 | Nicaragua | Lenette Golding | CARE -Window of Opportunity Program | Breastfeeding Fair -to raise awarenes about importance of providing support. Breastfeeding knowledge contest. Forum on ""breastfeeding is also a mans' responsibility |
100 | Peru | Lenette Golding | CARE -Window of Opportunity Program | Press coverage, Disseminating WBW materials to rural clinics.Breastfeeding Education for Health Workers.Breastfeeding contest, and parade. |
101 | Peru | Sierre Leone | CARE -Window of Opportunity Program | Radio panel discussions and phone in program on barriers to breastfeeding. Videos of early initiation to participants. Quiz competition. |
102 | Malaysia | Nur Wahidda Azmi | Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Kedah | Breastfeeding Week Corner - with BF policies,and presentation. |
103 | Malaysia | Nur Wahidda Azmi | Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Kota Setar | Breastfeeding Week seminar- from Islamic perspective and Medical perspective.Rewards to team of code of Ethics Breastfeeding Monitoring. |
104 | Spain | Maria R. Compadre | Asociacion Amanantar | Information Sharing , Breastfeeding Fair. |
105 | India | Major Tripti Agrawal | 136 SHO (L) C/O 56 APO | Lecture on Awareness of breastfeeding. Exhibition and distribution of health materials. Lecture of technique of breastfeeding and problems associated with it. Addressing the individual problems and querries concerning breastfeeding. |
106 | Brazil | Dra Katia Maria Rodrigues | Secretaria Municipal de Saude de Morrinhos | Sensitizing programme by doctors and staff of hospital. - benefits of breastfeeding. Distribution and display of breastfeedinbg materials. |
107 | Malaysia | Wan Mohd Nurussabah | Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Kuala Muda | Talks on WBW theme. Drawing,colouring and BF poster exhibition |
108 | Malaysia | Wan Mohd Nurussabah | Nutrition Unit, Kuala Muda, Distict Health Office. | Cooking competition,drawing and colouring competion and poster exhibition |
109 | Venezuela | Francisco Javier Pittol Carias | Hospital Tipo 1 Dr. Pedro Gomez Rolingson | Health talk and exhibition |
110 | USA | Ora Nez | Fort Defiance WIC Nutrition Program | Breastfeeding Walk and Health Fair |
111 | USA | Kitty D. Bingham | Cross County Health Unit | Display and handouts of BF materials |
112 | Brazil | Ana Basaglia | Matrice | Talks,musical shows, and workshop. |
113 | Pakistan | Doctor Muhammad Zia Ul Haq | Combined Military Hospital | Lectures for community health workers, nursing staff, college students on breastfeeding and advantages. |
114 | Portugal | Adriana Rubino Nunez | ULSBA E.P.E. Servico de Saude Publica, Centro de Saude Mertola | BF banner and distribution of materials |
115 | Vanezuela | Maira Beatriz Atanacio Agamez | Ambulatorio Barrio Adentro Nuevo Piritu | Information exchange |
116 | Spain | Gemma Troyano | Gamma Vilafranca | Workshops for children , musical performances. Explain the steps in the initiative baby friendly and their importance. |
117 | USA | Julie O'Hehir Nurse | Highland Hospital Community OB/GYN Clinic | Discuss recent research study on the benefits of breastfeeding for moms and infants. |
118 | England | Jo Beebee | Breast Friends,Culm Valley Children's Centre | Promote friendly environment for breastfeeding,by sticking breastfeeding stickers in libraries, cafes. |
119 | Argentina | Lucila Arroyo | Bede's Grammar School, Child Development | Handout of leaflets,talk about breastfeeding and interview mothers |
120 | USA | Lynne I | Stockbridge -Munsee's Honouring Our Chilidren | Breastfed baby contest |
121 | Brazil | Regicely Aline Brandao Ferreira | Centre to encourage and support breastfeeding-(Municipal Health Department of Maua) | Lectures on breastfeeding, complementary foods.Theatre presentation -community health agent Infant Feeding and HIV |
122 | Colombia | Hector Alonso Duque Aristizabal | Empresa Social Del Estado Hospital San Juan De Dios De El Santuario | Radio program on breastfeeding myths.Training to expectant mothers on breastfeeding |
123 | Peru | Comite De Lactancia Meterna | Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen-Essalud | Awareness programme on breastfeeding theme and importance of breastfeeding. |
124 | Uganda | Barbara Nalubanga Tembo | International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) Uganda | Media Diologue,Radio Programmes Charity Walk, Code Training workshop, Health Facility Support |
125 | USA | Laurel K. Tharrington | Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center | Breastfeeding Basic education to all staff. Breastfeeding information and handouts at hospital. |
126 | Malaysia | Wong Hui Juan | Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Alor Gajah | Distribution of appreciation cards to mothers who breastfed. Exhibition,and quiz |
127 | Belgium | Gerd Van Kogelenberg | Federal Borstvoeding VZW | Breastfeeding Awareness.Distribution of leaflets and display of breastfeeding posters. |
128 | Canada | Brigitte Tremblay | Aidons-Lait | Breastfeeding challenge- a flower for mother who participated. |
129 | Argentina | Lic Mirta Elena Machuca | Comision Provincial de Lactancia Materna Minist de Salud Publica de Salta | Handout of leaflets, talks about breastfeeding. Awareness programme. |
130 | Saudi Arabia | Mohamed Mostafa Mahmoud | National Guard Health Affairs/ARAR Center | Benefits and Protective effect of BF Breastfeeding for working mothers. |
131 | Saudi Arabia | Albandri A. Abonayan | Ministry of Health , General Administration of Nutrition Breastfeeding National Program. | Lectures/Exhibition/Semninars/Media Facilities in school and universities |
132 | Brazil | SENAC | Sao Paulo - Bauru | Discussion on support and promotion of breastfeeding.Workshop on breastfeeding and complementary food. |
133 | Brazil | Lilian Albano | Sao Paulo-Associacao Bernvindo | Walk and information about breastfeeding and preventive medicine. Workshops for children, mother, and pregnant women. Campaign on -throwing away pacifiers and bottle feeding. |
134 | Brazil | Marcus Renato de Carvalho | Sao Paulo -Sao Jose dos Campos | Seminar on update in clinical management of breastfeeding for doctors, dentist, nurses and speech language therapists. |
135 | Brazil | Francielle Camila Tigrinho | Parana -Sao Jose dos Pinhais | Conference and workshops about breastfeeding- the ten steps of successful breastfeeding to health professionals.Breastmilk donation. Participants built up an activitiy for their local institution. |
136 | Brazil | Keiko Teruya | Breastfeeding Network of Breastfeeding of Baixada Santista | Award ceremony for mothers who breastfed exclusively for six months. Breastfeeding phrases and drawing by first grade schol children. Breastfeeding forum for health professionals. |
137 | Analia R. Heck Maria Cristina G.Reise Maria Cristina Barbaro | Four thetre presentation,distribution of booklets and leaflets on breastfeeding.Presentation of videos and lectures on breastfeeding . Award children with best posters.Musical presentation , and antenatal classes. | ||
138 | Gabriela Dorothy de Carvalho | Conference about the Ten Steps for the life and health of baby. | ||
139 | Brazil | Gabriela Dorothy de Carvalho | Centre of Reference for Women,Child and Adolescent Health. | Conference about breastfeeding. |
140 | Brazil | Cleia Costa Barbosa | Hopital Santa Casa de Misericordia -Minas Gerais | "Mums" visits your maternity' during antenatal sessions. Discussions, breastfeeding meetings -for a baby friendly world. |
141 | Brazil | Maria Lucia Futuro and Aline Correa Sudo | Rio de Janeiro | Testimonies from mothers about breastfeeding, radio interviews seminar on breastfeeding, Ecologic and cultural market. Breast milk donation. Syncronized breastfeeding |
142 | Brazil | Fernanda Sa | Rio de Janeiro -Niterio | Launching of book of photography with ralation of women,babies and men by Fernanda Sa. Event in the library workshop of educative materials Meeting with health professional, mothers, and pregnant mothers. |
143 | Brazil | Jane Gutierrez and Marcus Renato de Carvalho | Rio Grabde do Sul -Porto Alegre | Seminar- on "Ten Steps for Baby Friendly World" Talks on importance of breastfeeding in the first half hr. use of cup feeding and distribution of educative materials on breastfeeding. |
144 | Brazil | Celina Valderez Feijo Kohler | Rio Grande do Sul -Sapucia do Sul | Women at work and breastfeeding, Video Shows on right to breastfeeding and importance of bound between mother and baby |
145 | Brazil | Valderez Feijo Kohler | Hospital Universitario -Sao Francisco de Paula. | Display of photos in maternity ward. Choir with theme of the WBW "Breastfeeding is Love".Cinema to mothers. Launch of the project "LIFE" - which promote skin to skin contact. Distribution of booklet on breastfeeding to pregnant mothers. |
146 | Brazil | SENAC | Rio Grande do Sul -Lomba Pinheiro | Launched of booklet with research of the prevalence of breastfeeding. Distribution of brochures to mothers about breastfeeding and complementary feeding. |
147 | Brazil | Aline Deon | Rio Grande do sul-Guarpore- | Press release to highlight WBW.Distribution of imformative materials in Health Centres. |
148 | Brazil | Irelene Schardong | Rio Grande do Sul - Campo Bom | Display of photos, wearing the golden bow, presentation of video and talk on breastfeeding to mothers |
149 | Brazil | Francisca dos Santos Teles | Sergipe-Lagarto | Campaign on donation of breast milk. |
150 | Brazil | Francisca dos Santos Teles | Sergipe-Aracaju | Campaign on Baby Friendly Initiative and the Brazilian Code, and distribution of leaflets about breastfeeding in maternity clinics |
151 | Brazil | Rodrigo Carvalho | Mato Grosso -Caceres | Breastfeeding campaign,breast marathon, pro breastfeeding cooperativeness. Lecturers about WBW theme. |
152 | Brazil | Rosangela S.A. Fonseca and Carlos Alberto Guimaraes | Parana- Araucaria | Workshops, talks, and presentation of educative videos.Poster display, antenatal education , TV advertisement |
153 | Brazil | Cristiane Gomes and Marcus Renato de Carvalho | Parana - Maringa | Conference for students and health professionals.Workshop about code- Organised the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, and to abolish teat and bottle feeding.Brochures by students of speech language therapy and posters displaying supporting and encouraging breastfeeding |
154 | Brazil | Elisangela O. Fernandes Vieira | Parana -Quatro Barras | Breastfeeding training courses for health professional |
155 | Brazil | SENAC | Parana - Colombo | Pro breastfeeding walk -social mobilisation in favour of breastfeeding. |
156 | Brazil | Eunice Begot | Association of Friends of Breastfeeding -IBFAN-Belem | Testimonies about breastfeedng, Collection of breastmilk for premature babies. |
157 | Brazil | Nazare Nery | Centro Comunitario Nova | Information exchange, conference for health professionals. Conference about human milk bank |
158 | Brazil | SENAC | Ceara- -Lavras da Mangabeira | Conference -breastfeeding is essential and the ten steps. Testimonies by mothers and gift presentation. |
159 | Brazil | Angela Dias | Brasilia - Distrito Federal | Picnic for all the Human Milk Bank and milk donors. Paying tribute to mothers with gifts. |
160 | Russia | Vladimir Furtcev | Krasnoyarsk State Medical University | Seminar - Bases of breastfeeding consultation.Conference on Feeding and care of newborns. Symposium on actual problems of brestfeeding. Training parent support groups. |
161 | India | Dr. Anil Dinesh chandra Chauhan | Government Medical Officer Association, Gandhinagar | Seminars on motivating mother for early breastfeeding . Group discussion and debates breastfeeding -1st hour |
162 | Paraquay | Pushpa Panadam | Comite de Lactancia Materna Hospital Cruz Roja | Display of banners and posters. Fathers, Mothers grandmothers and babies attended the club, where breastfeeding experiences were shared. School children, and children from neighboring centres participated in art competition. Talks on legal aspects of maternity leave,breastfeeding,healthy eating for mums.Counselling for mother and families. |