World Breastfeeding Week 2023


Making a difference for working parents


Twitter Storm


  1. Join the Twitter Storm on August 1 & 2, 2023 at @WABAsecretariat
  2. There will be four Twitter Storm sessions – at 9am GMT+8 and 9pm GMT+8 on August 1 & 2. Each session will be held for 1 hour. You can join any session, depending on your availability
  3. WABA will post a tweet, then participating organisations/individuals can retweet our post either on its own or with your accompanying post 
  4. Always remember to tag us (@WABAsecretariat) and use our hashtag (#WBW2023) – we will retweet your posts as deemed appropriate
  5. Your accompanying response/post must stay within Twitter’s 280 character limit, so it’s best to prepare your posts/visuals/links in advance. Use the Q&A grid below to help craft your answers
  6. View our Action Folder for more information on the campaign


Please respond to any or all these posts during Twitter Storm:

AUGUST 1, 2023. 9:00am GMT+8

TWITTER STORM POST (@WABAsecretariat will post)
(you/your organisation’s post)
Key messages-
Working mothers need adequate maternity leave to optimally breastfeed. They should receive appropriate breaks, work-site facilities & support to breastfeed & express & store breastmilk.

In what other ways can YOU make a difference for working mothers?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Key messages-2
Breastfeeding is teamwork. Adequate paternity/parental leave can allow non-breastfeeding parent to share household responsibilities & support breastfeeding mothers.

How can YOU make a difference for working parents this #WBW2023?


<your post>


Key messages-3

A supportive workplace, including adequate maternity/paternity entitlement, will enable continued breastfeeding. This results in healthier children and less absenteeism at work.

How can YOU create a supportive workplace that enables breastfeeding?


<your post>


Key messages-4
There is a need to mobilise resources to advocate, monitor, evaluate, and enforce parental leaves and policies that promote, protect, and support breastfeeding.

How can YOU make a difference in mobilising support for working parents this #WBW2023?


<your post>


Key messages-5
Parents need support from the whole society to enable breastfeeding. A Warm Chain of Support for breastfeeding needs to be established including the health sector, workplace and community.

How can YOU create a Warm Chain to enable breastfeeding this #WBW2023?


<your post>


We need to protect parents against predatory marketing practices from the milk formula industry by adopting the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

This #WBW2023, how do we ensure parents are not exploited by the marketing tricks?


<your post>


AUGUST 1, 2023. 9:00pm GMT+8

TWITTER STORM POST (@WABAsecretariat will post)
(you/your organisation’s post)
There are still many challenges in making parental leave work to support breastfeeding.

How can we make a difference for working parents to overcome these challenges?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Absence or inadequate paternity leave prevents fathers from supporting breastfeeding in the early days of their newborn infants.

How can we make a difference for fathers to be involved and support their breastfeeding partner?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Parents need to have time following birth to establish and support breastfeeding. They need information on the advantages of breastfeeding and on their rights to breastfeed.

How can we make a difference for parents to establish breastfeeding?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Parental leave allows the inclusion of fathers/partners in the support of breastfeeding.

How can we ensure parental leave helps to maintain exclusive breastfeeding but allow fathers to participate?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


ILO Convention C183 indicates that women should have 14 weeks of paid maternity leave with recommendation of up to 18 weeks.

How can we make a difference for parents to ensure they get adequate leave after birth to practice exclusive breastfeeding?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


When mother returns to work, the provision of breastfeeding rooms, storage facilities, breastfeeding breaks, & access to childcare can help continued breastfeeding for as long as she chooses.

In your opinion, how do we create a BF-friendly workplace?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


AUGUST 2, 2023. 9:00am GMT+8

TWITTER STORM POST (@WABAsecretariat will post)
(you/your organisation’s post)
There are still many challenges in making parental leave work to support breastfeeding.

How can we make a difference for working parents to overcome these challenges?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Absence or inadequate paternity leave prevents fathers from supporting breastfeeding in the early days of their newborn infants.

How can we make a difference for fathers to be involved and support their breastfeeding partner?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Parents need to have time following birth to establish and support breastfeeding. They need information on the advantages of breastfeeding and on their rights to breastfeed.

How can we make a difference for parents to establish breastfeeding?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Parental leave allows the inclusion of fathers/partners in the support of breastfeeding.

How can we ensure parental leave helps to maintain exclusive breastfeeding but allow fathers to participate?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


ILO Convention C183 indicates that women should have 14 weeks of paid maternity leave with recommendation of up to 18 weeks.

How can we make a difference for parents to ensure they get adequate leave after birth to practice exclusive breastfeeding?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


When mother returns to work, the provision of breastfeeding rooms, storage facilities, breastfeeding breaks, & access to childcare can help continued breastfeeding for as long as she chooses.

In your opinion, how do we create a BF-friendly workplace?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


AUGUST 2, 2023. 9:00pm GMT+8

TWITTER STORM POST (@WABAsecretariat will post)
(you/your organisation’s post)
Key messages-
Working mothers need adequate maternity leave to optimally breastfeed. They should receive appropriate breaks, work-site facilities & support to breastfeed & express & store breastmilk.

In what other ways can YOU make a difference for working mothers?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Key messages-2
Breastfeeding is teamwork. Adequate paternity/parental leave can allow non-breastfeeding parent to share household responsibilities & support breastfeeding mothers.

How can YOU make a difference for working parents this #WBW2023?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Key messages-3
A supportive workplace, including adequate maternity/paternity entitlement, will enable continued breastfeeding. This results in healthier children and less absenteeism at work.

How can YOU create a supportive workplace that enables breastfeeding?

@WABAsecretariat #WBW2023

<your post>


Key messages-4
There is a need to mobilise resources to advocate, monitor, evaluate, and enforce parental leaves and policies that promote, protect, and support breastfeeding.

How can YOU make a difference in mobilising support for working parents this #WBW2023?


<your post>


Key messages-5
Parents need support from the whole society to enable breastfeeding. A Warm Chain of Support for breastfeeding needs to be established including the health sector, workplace and community.

How can YOU create a Warm Chain to enable breastfeeding this #WBW2023?


<your post>


We need to protect parents against predatory marketing practices from the milk formula industry by adopting the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

This #WBW2023, how do we ensure parents are not exploited by the marketing tricks?


<your post>




WABA asserts all legal rights and intellectual property rights under the Berne Convention over the World Breastfeeding Week Logos and Campaign Materials. This copyright is subject to fair use, with appropriate attribution to WABA. The logos and materials shall not be used in any way that directly or indirectly damages WABA’s reputation and/or standing, whether by content, context or association. Prior written consent shall always be sought before the logos and materials are used in any commercial activity or adaptations/modifications are made (email to [email protected]). The logos and materials shall not be used in any event and/or activity sponsored, supported or organised by companies manufacturing, distributing or marketing breastmilk substitutes, feeding bottles, or teats. See FAQ on for further information.


World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals and organisations dedicated to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding worldwide based on the Innocenti Declarations, the Ten Links for Nurturing the Future and the WHO/UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. WABA is in consultative status with UNICEF and an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). WABA coordinates the annual World Breastfeeding Week campaign.


WABA 2023 © All Rights Reserved.