Step up for Breastfeeding

Educate and Support



  1. Our social media posts contain messages that reflect the #WBW2022 theme, which you can use/adapt on your own social media channels. 
  2. For each post, we have included proposed graphics – click on the DOWNLOAD button and download these graphics and include them in your post. 
  3. Each post focuses on an issue related to the theme – Step up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support
  4. Each post has been catered to the specific channel/platform stated, utilising specific hashtags and tags, as well as considering word count limitations. All you need to do is copy and paste these posts in your respective social media channels.
  5. Please include the suggested hashtags/tags in your post, so we can find and share your posts to amplify our voices!



#Breastfeeding promotes bonding between mother & child and provides food security to infants from the very beginning of life contributing to food security for the whole family.

This #WBW2022, let’s step up education & support for breastfeeding!

@WABA.WBW @WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) @UNICEF

#Breastfeeding promotes bonding between mother & child and provides food security to infants from the very beginning of life contributing to food security for the whole family.


This #WBW2022, let’s step up education & support for breastfeeding!


@WABAsecretariat @WHO @UNICEF 

Women need support from the health service, workplace and community to optimally breastfeed, progressing from one level to the other. This is called the Warm Chain of Support for Breastfeeding. There is an urgent need for education to improve and increase the capacity of all the actors who work along the Warm Chain. 


#WBW2022 will focus on stepping up this capacity!


@WABA.WBW @WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) @UNICEF 

Women need support from the health service, workplace and community to optimally breastfeed, progressing from one level to the other. We all have a role to play in increasing the capacity of all the actors who work along the Warm Chain.


#WBW2022 @WABAsecretariat @WHO @UNICEF 

To PREPARE for #breastfeeding, parents need education & anticipatory breastfeeding counselling starting during the first trimester as part of routine antenatal care. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!


@WABA.WBW @WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) @UNICEF

To PREPARE for #breastfeeding, parents need education & anticipatory breastfeeding counselling starting during the first trimester as part of routine antenatal care. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!


@WABAsecretariat @WHO @UNICEF 

To INITIATE breastfeeding, pregnant women need mother-friendly care during labour/delivery. Maternity units need evidence-based information covering appropriate management of labour/delivery care. 

Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!

@WABA.WBW @WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) @UNICEF 

To INITIATE breastfeeding, pregnant women need mother-friendly care during labour/delivery. Maternity units need evidence-based information covering appropriate management of labour/delivery care. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!

To ESTABLISH #breastfeeding in the early days, counselling and practical help with breastfeeding are needed in the maternity facility and when the mother is at home. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!


@WABA.WBW @WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) @UNICEF 

To ESTABLISH #breastfeeding in the early days, counselling and practical help with breastfeeding are needed in the maternity facility and when the mother is at home. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!


@WABAsecretariat @WHO @UNICEF 

To MAINTAIN breastfeeding, families can be referred to appropriate health centres or clinics, and to breastfeeding counsellors and peer support groups. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!


@WABA.WBW @WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) @UNICEF 

To MAINTAIN breastfeeding, families can be referred to appropriate health centres or clinics, and to breastfeeding counsellors and peer support groups. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!


@WABAsecretariat @WHO @UNICEF 

#Breastfeeding can save lives during emergencies and other special circumstances. In emergencies, the nutritional needs and care of both breastfed and non-breastfed infants and young children need attention. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!


@WABA.WBW @WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) @UNICEF 

#Breastfeeding can save lives during emergencies and other special circumstances. In emergencies, the nutritional needs and care of both breastfed and non-breastfed infants and young children need attention. 


Let’s step up education and support for breastfeeding this #WBW2022!


World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals and organisations dedicated to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding worldwide based on the Innocenti Declarations, the Ten Links for Nurturing the Future and the WHO/UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. WABA is in consultative status with UNICEF and an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). WABA coordinates the annual World Breastfeeding Week campaign.


WABA asserts all legal rights and intellectual property rights under the Berne Convention over the World Breastfeeding Week Logos and Campaign Materials. This copyright is subject to fair use, with appropriate attribution to WABA. The logos and materials shall not be used in any way that directly or indirectly damages WABA’s reputation and/or standing, whether by content, context or association. Prior written consent shall always be sought before the logos and materials are used in any commercial activity or adaptations/modifications are made (email  to [email protected]). The logos and materials shall not be used in any event and/or activity sponsored, supported or organised by companies manufacturing, distributing or marketing breastmilk substitutes, feeding bottles or teats. See FAQ on https://worldbreastfeedingweek.org/frequently-asked-questions-faq/ for further information.

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