#WBW2018 Message Boxes

Share your innovative ideas on how to address these issues.

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Preventing malnutrition in all its forms

Optimal breastfeeding helps prevent malnutrition in all its forms with positive lifelong effects on both children and mothers.

Ensuring food security, even in times of crisis

Breastfeeding is a climate-smart decision that helps ensure food security even in times of crisis. Protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding is crucial for the health of our planet and its people.

Breaking the cycle of poverty

Breastfeeding improves the health and wellbeing of women and children and is the foundation of a country's development and future. It is the great equaliser that can help break the cycle of poverty.

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Breastfeeding...it's free, it's ready available with all required nutrients for a growing baby needs and it's natural God given!

It's about feeding and seeding protective gut microbiota. Because imbalanced flora is the direct cause of growth stunting.

By creating awareness and advocating for exclusive breastfeeding in our respective community.

by Lucy Westerman, NCD Alliance on Preventing malnutrition in all its forms

Protecting and promoting breastfeeding is one of the smartest policy areas governments can invest in - it not only optimally nourishes baby, but breastfeeding can reduce risk of NCDs including cancer, diabetes, heart disease and mental health conditions - among the leading cause of global death and disability, promoting health of both mother and baby across the life-course, and has extensive benefits across development. win win win!

Nutrition interventions are needed to educate families and caregivers on better practices for the first 1000 days of life

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When I came to the safe space for mothers to breastfeed, baby Mary Rose and I can relax, and I can forget my problems and anxieties. I also learned a lot of things with other moms.

Baby formula is high on the list of supplies that well-meaning people want to donate when an emergency strikes. But large amounts of free formula can have the unintended consequence of discouraging breastfeeding among mothers who could continue to breastfeed with the right support.

In Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh where 650,000 Rohingya refugees take shelter, it is estimated that 10,000 children will be born in just the first three months of 2018. We can save many of them, if we prioritise breastfeeding now, one refugee camp at a time.Consider that.

It is very important to have space for women and children where they can have protection and privacy as well as some normalcy.

After Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines in 2013, many mothers told World Vision staff they were too stressed to breastfeed and instead gave their babies water to fill them up and quiet them. Without vital nutritional knowledge, their infants were at risk of malnutrition from diarrhea. These vulnerable moms needed a safe place to get support and education.

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For the babies to be healthy the mothers need to be healthy to breastfeed them with milk. FoodBank Chennai Fbc today as part of #WorldBreastFeedingWeek gave fruits and nuts to underprivileged pregnant women and feeding mothers, we advised them not just today but daily they should try having good healthy food to breastfeed their babies and keep them healthy too.

by Asiwaju Ojo Sakiru Akinade on Breaking the cycle of poverty

By giving children exclusive breastfeeding from 1hour after birth to 6months and continue to age of 2years

Breastfeed child #higher IQ#breastfed family # cost savings #Overall improvement in quality of life

by The Food Project on Breaking the cycle of poverty

The 26 Indigenous Promoters of Peru, seven of whom are women, serve as shining examples of community members who take initiative towards being active agents of sustainable change. They also teach women about healthy ways to improve dietary habits, as well as the health and hygiene of their children.

by Pinstrup-Andersen on Breaking the cycle of poverty

Not every poor person is hungry, but almost all hungry people are poor. Millions live with hunger and malnourishment because they simply cannot afford to buy enough food, cannot afford nutritious foods, or cannot afford the farming supplies they need to grow enough good food of their own

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