Other Resources -
- WABA Maternity Protection Chart
- Maternity Protection Campaign Kit (WABA and the MP Coalition) 2003
- Maternity Protection Resource Package: From Aspiration to Reality for All by the ILO, other partners and IBFAN
- Working Conditions Laws Report 2012: A global review (NB: The Package is available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese on: http://mprp.itcilo.org)
- Maternity and paternity at work: Law and practice across the world - The study reviews national law and practice on both maternity and paternity at work in 185 countries and territories including leave, benefits, employment protection, health protection, breastfeeding arrangements at work and childcare.
- IBFAN Statement: Maternity Protection at Work
- The motherhood pay gap: A review of the issues, theory and international evidence, Damian Grimshaw and Jill Rubery, ILO Working Paper, March 2015.